This day I would like to introduce BIZMAX blogger template.

Original from WP THEME

Author and Designer
Designer : Jinsona Design
Date : 21 March 2009

Blogger XML coded / Converter
Converter : Cahaya Biru
Date : 25 March 2009

Features of the template:
1. Premium theme layout.
2. Multi-level dropdown javascript navigation menu.
3. Featured sliding posts.
4. Site wide customizable 125 x 125 custom banner ads.
5. Adsense Three adsense units on any given page on the theme.
  • On the header ( 468x 60)
  • Along with the post ( 468x 60)
  • On sidebar ( 300 x 250)
6. Tabbed content area * Featured Video * Flash tag cloud * Popular Posts
7. Two widgetized sidebars
8. Optional Currency rate widget


1. Change The BIZMAX Header
The Header is using two images, dollar picture and BIZMAX text. To change those, please read the steps below:
  • Go to LAYOUT -- EDIT HTML -- (No need to expand widget)
find this image address:

This is for BIZMAX words.

  • after that, find this image address:

and this is for dollar image.

2. Change the Tab Navigation Title:
  • Go to LAYOUT -- EDIT HTML -- (No need to Expand widget)
find (CTRL+F) this :

<li class='pop'><a href='#video'> RECENT</a></li>

  • Below that code you will see like this:

<li class='pop'><a href='#video'> RECENT</a></li>
<li class='fea'><a href='#tags'> LABEL</a></li>
<li class='rec'><a href=' #popular'> Video </a></li>

  • After that, You can Change the word RECENT, LABEL, and VIDEO with your own words.

  • Save your template.

3. Cat Menu (click here)

4. Content Glider (click here)

5. Adsense Setting (general guide, click here)

6. Adsense Size and color Setting, click here)


Cebong Ipiet said...

great work :D hehe

cute template like me haha said...

keep exist bro

Anonymous said...

When is the download link going to be available?

Anonymous said...

Great work. I'm just visiting your website to let me surprise again. I don't need such templates, nice but a little bite to sophisticated for me. I like simple template in white.

Congratulations for this nice work



Cahaya… watches this connection because template BIZMAX already has removed Falcon to it Hive… and is free…… Greetings.

ErickLinus said...

it's free

Anonymous said...

alvaris falcon has currently launched this template. i know you've been converting this for some time now. i just couldn't understand why the download link took so long? too much prelude, i guess.

although your conversion is quite nice.
keep it up bro!

Cahaya Biru said...

@Anonym; Ha ha ha ha... That's often happen in this converter niche... every converter has it versions... :). Thanks for your appreciation by the way...:)

The_JaeV said...

tetap semangat k....trims tas templatenya....ijinkan saya untuk mengeditnya,,,

di tunggu template -template yang lebih menarik lagi.....

Salam Blogger

Cahaya Biru said...

@The_JaeV; Salam Blogger juga.... saya juga bahagia bila melihat JaeV bahagia... :) selamat ngeblog... :)

idhanq said...

mas, buatin tutorialnya bikin 2 kolom di bawah post doong

rahsia perkahwinan said...

Cahaya Biru,

i been using the template bizmax and already edited towards my taste. but the problem is the google ads doesnt appeared and how to make the " post terkini and video " function. by the way what is the thing below my logo.

can you please help me.

RP said...


i been using the bizmax template.
but i got a problem with this icon
- video
- tag claud
- popular

i already change the tag cloud to " kategori "
but the video and popular seem did not function.
can you please help me to solve this problem.

thank you.

my blog

jilbab cantik said...

mantap nih bro. cocok untuk blog berikutnya

Artvisualizer Press Media said...

very nice template bro..

hendika said...

Sekarang aku pke tmplate bizmax nih...
tapi aku ada masalah karena meta tag ikut hilang.
sekarang tiap kali aku coba bikin meta tag. di tolak mulu.
gimana nih brooo.

GONDES said...

Nice Template friends
thanks for sharing

Babaji M P said...

This template is wonderful. But only "Read more" text is displayed instead of the Image & Text. Pl fix it chaya biru. Thanx.

Erelas RyAlcar said...

Hello, the tab marked "Recent", I looked at the demo and saw it listed recent posts, however, I can't quite figure out how to get mine to work in this template.
Perhaps I am missing something, I'm not sure, but any help is appreciated :)
Thank you again for a great template.

Ali Qayyum said...

2. Change the Tab Navigation Title:
step 2
i wanted to change the video in Recent comments
and video in Recent Posts
what should i do?

Rajesh Kumar.Chekuri said...

Hi Cahaya Biru,

The is so nice and looks professional .......
I used it and remove the part glider content ...

But the problem is how to add the html code part in blog post like ur displaying in this in light green(yellow) box...

i used "blokquote" tag to add code part but problem is still is there

This is my blog

Thanks in advance

Erelas RyAlcar said...

I've switched (again) to using FireFox as my browser, and was wondering if you had a fix for the Cat Menu no longer running from left to right, but vertically. Thanks :)

Ghustie Samosir said...

Coba dulu yach sob, makasih templatenya :)

Ghustie Samosir

Admin said...

dude the link is not working?

New Project said...

thank you for the template it's great
i use it here
after made some changes of course
but now i would like to add a slider section under the content category just like yours
please help
thanks again

Forex Mentor said...

Bagaimana cara merubah header logo image dengan logo kita sendiri di wordpress ?

eBooks said...

Thanks for the template.., very nice

Anonymous said...

Terima kasih neh template'y dari cahaya biru, tapi kenapa ya pas pertama saya gunakan dan daftar adsense ada peringatan seperti ini dari google adsense.

Aplikasi tidak disetujui karena alasan yang tercantum di bawah ini.

- Navigasi situs yang sulit

Rincian lebih lanjut:
Navigasi situs yang sulit: Saat memeriksa situs Web Anda, kami menemukan
bahwa situs Anda sulit dinavigasi. Kemungkinan masalah navigasi adalah:
halaman di balik akses login/terlarang, link yang rusak, pop-up
berlebihan, program dialer, halaman situs Web sedang dibuat atau belum diluncurkan.

MOhon pencerahan, tapi setelah saya ganti template standar bisa disetujui oleh Google adsense

Sekali lagi THANX Ya said...

cun template neh

Admin said...

Can you tell me step by step what I have to do to get the tabbed content to work?

Chris said...

I need some help. I wanted to change the sidebar box from the dull black to a blue. I did that, but how do I change the box into a rounded figure. I can't seem to find it in the code.

Cahaya Biru said...

@Admin; please install the javascript... OK.

Cahaya Biru said...

@Chris; Rounded? If you want to add it, you have to add CSS for Rounded...

ali ayvaz said...

I liked.thanks a lot

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