Hi again... In this post I would like to publish another template, it's called MOBIPRESS. MobiPress is designed by Jinsona. And, it's been converted by
MobiPress is Stylist blue, white, and grey color template. Its design will attract another blogger to come to your blog. Equipping with welcoming sentence, mobipress is a right choice for you to reach another excitement.
MobiPress is Stylist blue, white, and grey color template. Its design will attract another blogger to come to your blog. Equipping with welcoming sentence, mobipress is a right choice for you to reach another excitement.
Change The Logo
Set Up the Menu
- Sign in to blogger
- Go to Layout -- Edit HTML tab
- No need to check Expand widget template
- Find (Ctrl+F) this below:
<li><a href='#'>Title Here</a></li>
Then, You will find like this:
<li><a href='#'>Title Here</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Title Here</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Title Here</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Title Here</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Title Here</a></li>
Please, change # symbol with your targeted address.
Change the word Title Here with your own title.
find this (Ctrl+F) :
below that code, you will find like this:
Please, change PARENT-LINK-ADDRESS with your own targeted address.
After that, change the word PARENT-TITLE with your own title.
find this (Ctrl+F) :
below that code, you will find like this:
Please, change PARENT-LINK-ADDRESS with your own targeted address.
After that, change the word PARENT-TITLE with your own title.
Change the Welcoming Sentence
- then you see a text widget "welcome to my site"
- press edit then change and fill it with whatever words, up to you ...
Go to Edit HTML, then please find this text:
After that, change that texts with your Twitter ID. example: cahayabiru
pak daru...ijin publish haha, tenang diriku ga nebeng link cuman nebeng preview demo xixixiixx
mana link nya om
nice layout.. good job
This has really good design and more stylish as you say.
I think this is more suitable for displaying any products of your business.
Novamente bboy guil, eu adoro quando você posta nesse site.
só template loko hein, só queria saber se é você mesmo que faz esses templates?
são muitos loucos!!
wuih nice template...
Disifudê! Very good my bro!
Really awesome template! i use this now! thx ;)
izin untuk mempublish template-nya ya mas...thank's before..maju teruz CahayaBiru...
you can convert the template to blogger Falkner House?
mas minta tolong kasih tipsnya,nambahin footer 3 kolomnya pada template ini,templatenya keren banget nihh.
cool man.. i am definitely tempted again..
hey no doubt good template but i cant add adsense below every post can u help me out with this thing..
HI! Unfortunately, a search engine does not work on this template ;(
Please Find this
<form action='/s' id='searchform' method='get'>
after you got it,
please change /s with /search
then, save the template...
That's all.. and sorry for inconvinience
OK. Have a nice blogging :)
nice template cahaya:) just had one question, am putting the template up on my blog, is it possible to change the header image? keep up the good work...:)
Thx Cahaya for your help ;) ps. will also soon change the header image by my blog to be somewhat different from other
@Bhavika; Yes of course, it can. find this image address in Edit HTML:
After that, please change it with your own image...
OK.. That's all... Enjoy the mobipress... :)
greetings ! i'm wondering if i'm able to allow more text on every single post and also to make images bigger?
Please find this below:
var thumbnail_mode = "no-float" ;
summary_noimg = 530;
summary_img = 440;
img_thumb_height = 120;
img_thumb_width = 180;
"summary noimg" means if you have post with no image, the summary text will be approximately 530 letter...
If your post have image, so the summary will be approximately 440 letter
You can change the value to whatever you like...
The image size are relating with this code below:
img_thumb_height = 120;
img_thumb_width = 180;
120 is for height
180 is for width
you can change it to any value...
OK have a nice try... :)
thanks a lot ... i'm fixing that problem right now. Already fixed the image size but still i hace problems with the summary thing, cause i don't want any summary at all...
by the way... is there a way embeded videos from youtube can be seen on the front and not after you click on "read more"?
never mind ... problem fixed ! i really thank you i never thought that you were really going to answer and on the same day ! congratz :D
Excellent template. I'm using at Thanks
Thanks....Really show you hard work.Nice template..
thanks, im using your template.
nice template. am using this template. i hope you always make nice template.
Best Regards
admin Technology Solution
search box is not working in this template
any helps..
Help! I've a serious problem, I can't add adsense at the start or ending of posts :( why!? it's urgent reply please
PS= I add the adsense code (html) directly in one post for testing it but i can't see nothing :( a space blank
Makasih Pak numpang donlot....
very nice template, Im using at thx cahaya
Salaam. Terima kasih banyak bro!! Semoga success selalu, baarokallahu lakum :)
HI, great looking template.
any way to show the full post instead of the summary
forget the last comment bro. figured it out. how can i change the option 'OpenID URL' to say 'name' when people comment. pls help tq
Now my template is better ;)
@IMAX; YOu need to convert the adsense code into the ENTITIES before place it into the template.
Try to find the tool about it in search engine... "HTML to entities".. OK??
The full story is not working. I cannot show part of my post only.
@reporter: The mobipress is equipped with auto-readmore. I do not understand, please, Could you elaborate your problem??
Sorry and thanks for the quick reply, cahaya. I faced another new problem. When i click into a post, the right coloumn will move below the posting WHEN i am using Internet Explorer to view. But when I use FireFox, it is perfectly fine.
EG. Try view:
into Internet Explorer and FIreFox.
Amaizing template! and Cool template..i was try its for my blog..lets take a
thanks cahaya!
Template yang bagus...i was try it..
please take a
@Reporter; What IE do you use??? I've checked yours with IE 7. It's just fine.
@Biru Thanks for your nice template. I am using it for as of now.... it looks great...
My findings maybe useful for you as well as others.
@reporter.... yes issue is present when 800x640 resolution is used. This template works fine with 1024x768 resolution.
I tried a whole day nearly 18 hours ... learning as I did not know CSS or XML while trying to customize the ads and layouts.
@Imax you will need to edit the xml to modify the design. You can see mine. It is gonna be messy if you do not xml.
I thought things were going wrong because I made some error, but actually I found out the layout will automatically change when different resolutions are used. You can check out my website how the layout changes after resolution is changed. What you see on the site is the best I could customize, but layout is fine for 1024 resolution.
After customizing the domain now and when I felt everything was done, I am finding a new problem now the pictures that are not loading properly always. I don't know if it due to custom domain.
@APF owner... I see your picture is changed, but when I loaded your site, the right top picture did not load while the man with guitar loaded. I am wondering if this is due to picture not loading properly from blogger as even I am now having same issue or may be due to slow internet connection issue ?!.
actually now I have uploaded the biggest image to my hosting and the picture is loading fine. maybe blogger was not happy with repeated loading as I was working on it... i dont know why pictures did not work properly. i intend to slowly shift pictures to my hosting to avoid repitition of such problems.
in the earlier post i had mentioned about layout problems..... but finally i figured out the problem was in the width, i had either changed it to auto or i had put only 1000 instead of "1000px"... just the missing "px" created a lot of problem. sorry chaya the design is okay. it was my editing mistake
however, this particular website of cahayabiru has problem with layout because i am having IE6. It is fine on FF and Opera both are latest. i will upload a screen shot.
I have found that pics loading from blogger had problems while the ones I uploaded to my hosting loaded well. I found out the same problem with the site of other people who have commented here and used the same template. It would have been helpful if all the pics used on the template was listed so that everyone could replace it with their own or copy to their location. thanks.
screenshot of how this page looks on IE6..... the right layout having problem.
(pls. do not publish this comment. this is for your reference. my site will not be able to handle the traffic if everyone clicks on this picture here.)
Hi Biru,
I request you to delete all the comments I have made after going through them and utilizing the useful ones. I hope you can understand and help.
It really really work on my blog..
Take a look at my blog..
Thank for admin..
Hey, thanks for the link. I was looking for a good blogger template site more template easy to download
Great template i have seen......
But i can't find navigation links in home page.........
Funny Stuff
A blog for all about humor
waduh ... kalau disuruh ngedit2 lagi kontent dan widget2 yg disini, repot dong :) coz ane masih awam soal ginian.
hi it is amazing template but could you please add child menu links option to the menu code of this template
that would help if some one like me have many categories and subcategories
thank you so much
nice :-)
love the mobipress template but is there anyway to change the hot pink color over "Posted by..", "Date" and "Comments"? Thanks.
hi..I can not get my search box to work...I did the changes you suggested , but when I search the posts for obvious words it says no posts found.
also, i cannot get my comments code towork
Please Find this-->> form action='/s
after that, change it with this-->> form action='/search
save the template
In a comment box it have black picture, how i deal with it
Hi. Excellent work!!
I have some questions :
1- How can I change the color of the menu when I put the mouse over the link? And the text color?
2- How can I change the text "Full Story"?
Thank you very much
Great template. I am using your template currently in one of my blogs. I want to remove the search button and add adsense search button. can i do that?
I love this template. Thank you, Cahaya Biru! It goes perfectly with the theme of my blog.
I have the same question as Mason Jamal. How do you change the hot pink color behind the "posted by" and the timestamp, etc.?
Thank you!
This has really good design
wow great themes. i love it. Let's see if i can use it in my blog.
Ijin pakai templatenya di keren abis!
wow great theme. i could not change the parents links with my links. how could i creat a categories in blogger? Please help me out.
Thanks for this free template buddy . I am following your blog from few weeks and today I have reviewed few of your themes in my collection . Download links are diverted to your pages and I hope you will like them too -
Is it possible to change the mobile picture for one of my choice, to personalize my site??? Thanks
Hi Cayaha.
I want to include Add-This Button in every entry.
Can you help?
Hi everybody.
How can I change the NOKIA Gadget?
Hi there I use this template and today I dont know why but my site
is opening really slow.
Do you have any idea?
please check this
@Ivan; I have seen your blog. And, I think it is in normal speed.
Sometime, the speed is depended on how many gadget did you use. But, Your gadget is not much.
If it still slow... Please, check your network connection...
i just need a SMALL help!
every post of mine has a video in it.
how shall i
1)show the full post without the "full story" or
2)show the video and a bit of text like it works for images
pleeeeeeeeeaaaassssssee help me.i don't want to remove this template just because of these reasons.
any alternative solution are also welcome
@Superstudent; Ok. I will publish the no-auto-read-more versions
thank you very much.iam the most happy now.
hi cahaya!
thanks for the earlier help.i saw your zengard was fabulous.
i was just wondering if you could
1)provide the code for submenu's in mobipress also
2)how can i replace the mobile phone image with a image which has 2 to 4 images and they appear one after the other like as in professional websites.i hope you can imagine my request.
3) how can i change the font text style for "parent title"
i hope that you may help me again.
thanking you ...........Superstudent
@Super Student; No 2 question, you have to find hack about rotating appearance of the header image.
No 3; find in,
wow.nice template.
pls tell me how can I change the picture behind the welcome message?thanks.god bless
Sir, this MobiPress Template is great!
Can you please answer my question regarding how to edit it?
Here's the Situation: I changed the header image with my own image.
(default picture: with size of 1000 x 245.)
But when I changed it, there is still a part of the picture (from the default header image: MOBILE PHONE IMAGE).
How can I remove it?
thanks once again
@Loki; go to Edit HTML, find
@Raven; could you give me your address??
how to add 3 Column footer?
Hi Cahaya Biru,
I Want to add 3 column footer, how can i do this?
and also i want "Add a gadget" before post ie,Between parent-title and post?
Plz Help With this!
Thanks in advance.
@Technoalley; Have you familiar with CSS and HTML code???
Find some design about footer, then copy paste the CSS code and HTML into your template.
Hi biru ...i wanna add my blog name and change that default pic from my blog...
help me please
this is my blog ...
i am a newbie to this help me ..
waiting for your reply
hi cahaya biru i am not able to set my blog name ....please visit my blog ...i made my logo for my blog and then i uploaded to it but it's not showing ....
please help's urgent reply me please ..........
@Tricker; Please do not remove the credit link. I won't help you.
hi biru me please...
i cant able to change the slide pic in my blog and also the logo for my blog ..
wat to do for that help me..
i changed that link to that code but it won't works ...
tell me how to show my blog logo and slide ..
Hi ,
Great work!!
But i have some problem , The Full "story looks" ok , The summary looks bad , how come?
Look in
@Tricker; Please read the instruction... How to change the logo... ok.
i did it but it won't shows up in my blog ..please can u do it for me friend..i need this me
i will give you my logo address juz add this in that code and mail to me friend.. please help
please add it and send it to me through my maill ...
i added but it won't work for me ..
Cool mobile bloggint template dude.I will add to my collection
Hello. Sorry about my English.
The image "macmet" does not fit well when the post is folded. This image is displaced 5 px and so does not fit well. you can see that is a line in the image "macmet" on the left and right incomplete.
I could solve that problem, but when I do, the error goes to post "full story".
Thanks. I await your response.
Hello. Sorry about my English.
The image "macmet" does not fit well when the post is folded. This image is displaced 5 px and so does not fit well. you can see that is a line in the image "macmet" on the left and right incomplete.
I could solve that problem, but when I do, the error goes to post "full story".
Thank you very much. I await your response.
It`s ok. I've got it.
but how can I do to eliminate the margin under "macmet?
Hi, i needed change text FULL STORY for SEGUIR LEYENDO, and the pink color of the DATE; COMMENTS; POSTED BY on the other color.
Greeting from Spain.
P.D: sry for my english ;)
its really nice template but the problem is i think this blog is not seo friendly because i am using this template since august please tell me how my blog will show in search engines or please give me seo friendly template link like this thanks you dear Cahaya Biru.
@Anonym; Submit your blog to all search engine. You can use seo tool.
To win the seo thing, find article about it...
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