Zinmag Monezine

Monezine Blogger Template Overview :

Description: Originally From WP Themes Monezine
Designer : Jinsona Design
Url : web2feel.com
Date : December 20, 2008

Converter : Cahaya Biru
Url : www.cahayabiru.com
Date : March 15, 2009

The list of features include
1.Premium theme layout.
2. Multi-level drop-down javascript navigation menu.
3. Featured post section with javascript gallery
4. Site wide customizable 125 x 125 banner ads.
5. Site wide customizable 300 x 250 banner ad.
6. Site wide customizable 600 x 90 banner ad.
7. Adsense enabled
8. Custom Login field and mini admin panel
9 .About me section, which is customizable, including image and text.
10. Post thumbnails
11.Tabbed content area .
12. Widgetized, dual sidebar.
(adapted from web2feel.com)

figure of Monezine Blogger Template

Monezine Guide :
1. Changing Header Logo
The Monezine Header Logo Size is 195x44 px. To change the image with your own logo, please follow this steps below.
  • Go to LAYOUT -- Edit HTML -- no need expand Widget
  • Find this image location:


  • After that, change it with your own image location.

2. Change the Tab Navigation Title
  • Go to LAYOUT -- Edit HTML -- no need expand Widget
  • Find this code:

<li class='pop'><a href='#popular'> RECENT</a></li>

  • Below that code you will see like this:

<li class='pop'><a href='#popular'> RECENT</a></li>
<li class='fea'><a href='#archive'> ARCHIVE </a></li>
<li class='rec'><a href=' #recent'> LABEL </a></li>

  • please change the words RECENT, ARCHIVE, and LABEL with your own words.
  • Save Your Template

3. Content Glider (Click Here)
4. Fox and Cat menu (Click Here)
5. Tabber Content (Click Here)
6. Installing Monezine Adsense Code (Click Here)

Creative Commons License
Monezine Blogger Template by Daru Kurniawan Ahmadi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.cahayabiru.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.cahayabiru.com/2009/03/blogger-template-zinmag-monezine.html.


Ketua Umum said...

o..ow. Puyeng jadinya...

Cahaya Biru said...

@SM88; kenapa puyeng...??? makanya... minum puyer 88 :)

Ammy said...

Wow amazing template once again But why u dont reply me anymore...what i did wrong..is that becuase ur famous now..so u dont need people like me...i understand whatt fame does to people..but atleast u should have replied me once

Ankur Mittal

Linkhost said...

masss... izin nempelin poslist yang di sidebar di blogku...thank's...

Ketua Umum said...

mas Daru, Bentar lagi saya mau kirim email ya..alamatnya yang ada di Contact kan. Trims

Cahayabiru.com said...

@Ammy; I am not arrogant at all. Because I know that human is only a creature which created from sperm by God. What do you think if you see sperm...??? Btw, in my believe, arrogant is bad behaviour.

@Linkhost; OK... no problem... :)

@SM88; Ok... :)

Ammy said...

if thats the case !!! then wats the reson u stopped replying...and u dont help me anymore.. i just asked u one thing..u said i am writing ur request..and after that no reply at all...

Cahaya Biru said...

@Ammy; I need to think ...

Ammy said...

Forget it if you dont want to teach how to add glider like zinmag futura..then no prob but atleast tell me how to show body or post part exactly like futura..its featured post ,i just love it post part..cant u help with this one ..now..its just a left hand trick for u but ..i dont know why people afraid to share there knowledge...if i would have knowledge like u ..i would have used it to the best ..i am sorry i will no butter u..but u not just that type..sorry to say..

Shivam Malani said...


here's the demo of my version of monezine blogger template

I've not setup my own store of blogger themes yet. So, you've to contact me via email for more info about this. my id: shivams18@gmail.com

@ ammy: dont panic dude..! contact me ..'nd I'll teach you.

@ cahaya: Hats off for gamezine!!!! I'm your big fan..!! I'm not a master of web-designing like you nor even I've done any course for it. I just figured it out .. although, it was quite laborious but still its too simple to convert wordpress themes to our dear blogger ..isn't it cahaya???

I've converted the Androida blogger template also! But as I said I'm not a master like cahaya.. So I've to learn more before presenting it to you guys....

cahayabiru.com said...

@Shivam Malani; wow... it is great...so it will be two versions of Monezine... from me and from Shivam... also I take hat off to you, Shivam Malani... :). Thank you for your appreciation. Great Job.

@Ammy; Thank you for your understanding... :)

Anonymous said...

Are you going to share this template Cahaya?

waiho said...

looking forward for the link! i bet this is the best theme ever!

Anonymous said...

Plz Upload It..

Arnab said...

Plz upload It.

Bloggeruser said...

Hi cahaya,
I really like this template but wanted to ask you something related to this ...
Can you just chnage the way of posts appearing to like that in Forex press ? or it could be bit complicated... Please let me know
and ya you have designed one more awesome thing.
Hope you provide the download link soon.....

Rajeel said...


My name is Rajeel and i'm too a blogger like you.I found you through when i googled for the 'monezine blogger theme' which i created.I found you also created one.me too have created the same theme for blogger.I also found your other themes interesting.i want to have a direct contact with you so plz mail me , when you get this comment to rajeelkp@gmail.com.

plz visit my version of monezine theme ;- http://monezinedemo.blogspot.com

or download


MUSICVL said...

i wish now its turn of this Zinmag Monezine to be released after the release of bizmax. I hope you will provide the download link soon... please do it fast...


Ya hope we get to download this template soon. I hope cahaya has finished writing his tutorials for this template.

Cahaya Biru said...

@Celebs Image and Music; I guess this two nick name must be a same person. Yes, Pradeep Singh??? :).... ha ha ha ha ....

GunGz - Teknoneta said...

Thanks, because the download link are ready, but...
Virus Detected! when I download this file...

julius santos said...

hands down to another nice template by Cahaya Biru!

julius santos said...

oopps... hey, you have a VIRUS in your zip file. AVG caught it the moment I unzipped the package. too bad...

Cahaya Biru said...

@TO ALL; Sorry... for that package....
I just know it.... Thanks you... I will change the download links as soon as possible....

Cahaya Biru said...



@Celebs Image and Music; Oh ya you figured it right. You know i did so co you may think that many are requesting this for download and you would give the download link faster.
But anyway thanks for the nice template i was waiting for . Have plans to use it for my new blogger website. bloggeruser.com
HOpe it goes well.
Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

how can i expand the post and remove "read more" on this template?

Cahaya Biru said...

@Anonym; where is your address??

Anonymous said...

http://promoalbums.blogspot.com/ i forgot this is my address

KSY Music said...

is there anyway i can expand my post?

Cahaya Biru said...

@KSY Music and promo albums; The explanation is long... I need to write it for a while. just wait for a moment...

KSY Music said...

okay really appreciate it my man

Dipak Patel said...

hey dude

using ur monezine template there are some problem in this template. this template does not work properly in internet explore browser.
when a page is upload on internet explore browser all side bar content display bottom of post.. pls dude help me

Cahaya Biru said...

@Dipak Patel; Thank you for your reporting. To solve that problem, please decrease the iframe comment box.

Go to LAYOUT -- Edit HTML -- Expand Widget Template
find this :

After that, change it with value 640
Save your template.

That's all

msplash9 said...

heeeey man ...this is an amazing work.
probably the best i have seen...
But i think this is not yet complete..
Becoz ur monezine template doesnt have that numbered page navigation feature (at the footer)that is a speciality of web2feel.com version of monezine template ..

So kindly consider this problem..and Pls complete it too

and one more thing..............


Cahaya Biru said...

@msplash9; That is called page number navigation...:) However, after reconsidering, using page number navigation in blogger make the template load slowly...
We still wait for new development of new tricks of page number navigation which have faster loading.

msplash9, Thank you for your appreciation.... and
have a nice blogging.... :).

Fetra said...

hello cahaya...sebenernya templatenya keren...tapi aq ud instal tapi kog kolom recent post , recent commentnya sama about us gak keluar deh?pokoknya yang bagian bawah semua,kenapa ya?imagenya juga gak keluar...coba dicek di http://blogfetra.blogspot.com


Cahaya Biru said...

@Fetra; Iya saya sudah memeriksanya. Seterusnya,
disitu kan sudah ada gadget pilihan....
Mas fetra bisa pilih gadget apa aja yang ada di sana. Itu, kotak komentarnya udah muncul. Masang Bloglog nya udah bener apa belum??

Oh iya..., gambar-gambar di glider itu, saya saranin dikecilin dulu ukurannya. Karena itu bisa mempengaruhi loading lho... :)

Ya udah. Selamat ngeblog yaa... :)

KSY Music said...

Hey Cahaya did u write the explanation to expand the post?

phattrien@so said...

hi, i modify tabdiv and delete "recent" in tabzine. and recent on footer is wrong, i don't understand why, can you talk me aboit it.

my blog is http://www.vnpressnet.com

KSY Music said...

please response to me, is there anyway i can expand the post?

4x7i said...

hai..mcm mana nak edit 125 x 125 banner ads.

The Cook said...

hi - is there a way to make the posts in the main page appear with formatting .... currently its without formatting and in my case looks a bit ugly :p

Fetra said...

mas cahaya sy mo tny lagi nih..sory ngerepotin terus heeee...
mengenai pertanyaan sy sebelumnya, maksudnya bukan recent post n commentnya tapi "gambar" recent post n commentnya gak keluar...sy ud coba utak-atik sendiri trs sy "view page source" dari versi demonya tapi tetep aj agak ktemu wahhh..ya maklum coz pengetahuan sy soal 'html' minim heeee, tolong donk sy di bantu coz mo ganti template lagi ud terlanjur seneng sama yang ini :) thx GBU ( oya ini link blogku http://blogfetra.blogspot.com )

Fetra said...

oya ada tambahan kalo saya lihat demonya si "Shivam Malani" kog gmabarnya bisa keluar ya tapi pas sy upload tempatku "tetep" aja gak keluar hhueh mumet aq mas.....

by-zii said...

great job cahaya ! ist amazing template, bravo ..
and you add :
"The list of features include"
13. ff and ie no problem.. good work :)

maboroshine said...

hi hi, i need - some help to get ride of feature content glider, i cant eliminate it. but i need it cause is causing to slow loading i my blog. i have some widget but the feature content add like 10 secons for a complete load. is necesary to me toget ride of it, also cause i dont want to use it anymore. (i preffer that space for the latest post

idhanq said...

kang, gimana yaa caranya nambahin 1 kolom antara sidebar ma kolom posting buat adsense yang mini and beberapa link. thanks

MLSR said...

This is awesome work however is there anyway to get the posts that are in the glider to automatically be the most recent posts rather than having to manually change the glider content?

msplash9 said...

man how can i remover the read more auto thumbnail code without any problem

Robert said...

Mas, saya mau tanya. Belakangan setelah saya pakai template blog monezine ini ternyata ada pesan error ketika mau di sitemap oleh Google. Kira-kira tampilannya kayak gini http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/4100/errorw.png

Mohon bantuannya Mas. Terima kasih

Alamindo said...

grat job !! bangga deh orang jatim bisa go international, sekarang saya lagi melajari betapapun rumitnya, dan betapapun katroknya diri saya, dan betapapun bundelnya utek saya... Peno ancen Digdoyo cak !!

Andy Saiful Musthofa said...

its very cool template

Rey said...

Mas Cahaya,...Templatenya bagus,...
saya sudah pakai di blog saya,makasih ya mas..

Bisnis Online said...

Template nya Bagus2.. download dlu ya,, Thank's

Shin ♥ Jez said...

kk saya izin pakai ini tempalate.. doh yg white saya aneh kk dah saya pake dah gitu eror post saya ngak mau muncul" T_T knp yah?!

livewires said...

im using it at my tvsikat.blogspot.com ang mlooks great to earn!! nice one!!

swati said...

hey dear I could not manage to update the content glider.pls visit my blog at http://spicyhotbabes.blogspot.com/
I followed all the steps u told,but could not manage to update that,pls help me.

goomoo said...

Bijak...wa caya sama lu

$ said...

Hi cahaya
u r a real gem I can tell u.I hv made a demo of MONEZINE template at
But problem is though firefox and other browsers like safari are able to show its header logo (BENGALI SONGS)but IE is unable to show it.
I request u to pls check the matter and suggest me.Thank u.

$ said...

Hi cahaya
u r a real gem I can tell u.I hv made a demo of MONEZINE template at
But problem is though firefox and other browsers like safari are able to show its header logo (MADLY BANGALI)but IE is unable to show it.
I request u to pls check the matter and suggest me.Thank u.

Rajesh Kumar.Chekuri said...

Great template looks so cool.........


Anonymous said...

i got a problem all the sidebar content is coming down the blog wen viewed in opera but wen viewed in mozilla its displying correctly
so can u help me from this problem
thank u

@CuongDC said...

a fantastic theme!

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