
This is elegant template designed for blogger who like light colored or bright colored template. This template suitable for any niche, or any topics.
Scarlett is profesional magazine template. The layout is Stylish and dynamic contents elements are built into it.

Change The Logo

The Scarlett Image size is 202 px width and 35px height. To change it with your own image, please follow this steps below.
  • go to LAYOUT -- EDIT HTML -- no need to expand widget
  • Find this :

  • After that, change that image address with your own.

Change The TAB Navigation Title

  • go to LAYOUT -- EDIT HTML -- no need to expand widget
  • find this:

<li class='rec'><a href=' #popular'> RECENT </a></li>

Below that code you'll see like this:

<li class='rec'><a href=' #popular'> RECENT </a></li>
<li class='fea'><a href='#tags'> TAGS CLOUD </a></li>
<li class='pop'><a href='#recent'> LABEL </a></li>

  • change the word RECENT, TAG CLOUD, and VIDEO with your own words.
  • Save your template

Customize the Special Features Of the Template


Cebong Ipiet said...


Cebong Ipiet said...

artinya apa itu yak komenku hihihiihih...
great template...

hock said...

Professional web flash templates, logo designs at .

Ammy said...

there is only one person in this world who can make templates like this and yes he is cahaybiru...
amazing theme..

Ankur Mittal

Chibiboto said...

Your template is professional, thanks, i downloaded the template, im very happy,

CELEBS said...

I wish you too had included the download link so that i could have checked for my own blog. But ya i realised that you are still in writing with the post. Waiting that you provide the link soon and answer to one of mine query although optional but important. It's true from my experience the fancy templates like this are hardly SEO friendly.
In this context can you please advice me or simply tell me if this template is SEO friendly and i can trust to use it in my blog ? If not this which do you suggest incase i am in need of the SEO friendly one ??
Thanks and the template is wonderful.

Arcanjo Gabriel said...

I want be the first to download this template. Please tell me when you finish him. Thanks so much. You job is great.

dadz said...

ditunggu templatenya....

Anonymous said...

cuando va a estar listo este templante ? Gracias

Anonymous said...

thank you very much for always putting templantes so cute, I hope you put the link to download this templante please avisame soon will be ready when

Anonymous said...

when will this be ready templante? Thanks

marco said...

i see number of ready for blogger...nice template and very very cool work here men,,youre da men, youre da men!

Anonymous said...

Any idea when download link will be available?

Cahaya Biru said...

I know your concern about SEO Friendly for your blog.

Actually, the SEO problem is because of bad organized h1 tags in header section. Yes, that's the main problem of the first versions of remedy.

Also, please remember, The SEO problem is not related with minipost setting.
read the discussion in

After that issues came, in late january, we have checked all header section in all template that I have converted from WP Theme. Now, you do not need to worry about SEO problem anymore.

All template in Cahaya Biru's Blog is SEO Friendly...

You could check our friend's blog that use minipost and our header section in this following address...
with keyword "the blog full of games"

Ammy said...

When Cahaya says it SEO Friedly .. then Trust him with eyes Shut...He is a Master...He is Working on writing Details on using this Template be Patience Guyz..Whooo


Anonymous said...

I was using same theme in wordpress....
But u rock man, but when we will be able to download it?

vc said...

hi biru, can you show how to implement the changes that did with the posts? Where the posts of each category like Action Games, Adventure Games etc was shown in the first page?

Cahaya Biru said...

@VC; No, I will not show ...

Anonymous said...

when will this be templante, by its seems that now because you're using here in this blog.

when will be the link to download?

Thank you very much

majik said...

thanks cahaya more wonderful template

Lecca said...

Oi, gostaria de dizer que seu trabalhor é muito bom, parabêns, viu!!! :D

Ammy said...

what will be the use of this template if you will not be able to use need some guidelines like gamezine to be able to use it to the potential..if has made you available the..preview then sure within one or two two days he will make the download available be patience

Benlahmen said...

We are waiting sir...n you do the best of your work. Keep patience serving your clients


Hi... Bonito template... espero con paciencia descargar y utilizar en alguno de mis Blogs. Utilizo algun template de Falcon Hive pero no funcionan bien y los templates Cahaya Biru funcionan mejor. Saludos desde Spain.

MARCO said...

hey daru

numbers in file pages is rigth in blogger?...i see numbers of pages like posible in blogger?..nice work CB!

Anonymous said...

Please tell when will this be available templante long time ago and they are using this templante this blogger, you do not get it to download

Cahaya Biru said...

@BIGARIATO : Gracias por su reconocimiento

@LECCA: Obrigado pela vossa apreciação

@MARCO; Page number and Breadcrumb, Yes it is possible in blogger.

@Benlahmen; Iya sir...

dicky said...

Template yg Bgs.....ditunggu link downloadnya ya......

Anonymous said...

che hace rato que dice que ya van a poner el link y la verdad ya me estoy cansando .

Muy bueno este blog pero para cuando el link de descarga

Cahaya Biru said...

Perdón por hacerte esperar

Anonymous said...

Please decide on the day you put the link to download this templante, we already know that you are using this templante in this blog, that means that it is ready Why not put the download link if you're ready?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Cahaya friend, I understand your bubble, though see the other side something else:

I think instead of you worried about your credit, the best was "work" is just as concerned about that. Another person comes and turns of these and other templates for Blogger and Wordpress releases for everyone freely.

The is a free service, recognized worldwide, with wonderful templates, that the staff there not only copies of other tests but everything before we provide.

The success of achieving will work with and dynamism. Everyone works well, sending templates.

I understand your concern about the claims, but if the purpose is to help, work, and financial resources will come in other ways. Why Google is better than the services of Microsoft? because Google provides free services, even if the other has its limitations.

I am in Brazil responsible for a Community of Bloggers Christians, to the massive Brazilian Christian blogosphere, to help bloggers as blogging. My view is that, even if I have to pay two areas. "With" and we are also thinking of paying lodging, all with own resources and not for profit. Spend time, even the morning to get this service on, but I am happy to do that.

In the future we will share this story and if we want to remember, they remember, but for this we have to SHOW WORK!

Good luck! and congratulations on work done today!

Lucas Junior

rio2000 said...

download linknya masih aku tunggu lho :D

Anonymous said...

will we ever get the download link...???

Anonymous said...

please put the download link

marco gonzalez said...

too much time....we all wasting our time with your changes...patience? much your patience?...very good work but we not cows

Simos Segiopoulos said...

plz give as the download link :-(

Dipak Patel said...

hi cahaya biru
i m using ur SCARLETT template. but i have 1 problem in this template and problem is Animated Random Post on top sidebar is not working properly. pls fix this problem pls help me

Guðni said...

Hi Cahaya, thank you for this wonderful free template, you sure are generous genius. But can you please tell me how to make the post section into the whole post instead of "Read more" function? I can't figure it out myself..!
Gudni email:

Cahaya Biru said...

@Dipak; My mistake... I have not included this code.

<ul class="spy">

(here is postlist content)


Please, go to postlist guide and copy the example again...
and do not delete
<ul class="spy"> placed on top

and this code </ul> which placed on bottom...

Cahaya Biru said...

@TO ALL PEOPLE; if you have problem with POST LIST AGAIN.....

please read the post list guide. I have updated that guide... with new example

Thank YOU. DOWNLOAD LINK also have just updated ......

ansya said...

Hi there,
I'm trying to upload your template but I keep receiving an error message (smthg to do with bX-error code). I've tried everything that I could to resolve the problem myself but since I'm not familiar with the coding..
I hope you could help me out. Thanks.

Cahaya Biru said...

@ansya; have you installed Blog Archive and profile gadget in your template before? If yes, remove that gadget first... before use scarlett....

Dipak Patel said...

thnx Cahaya Biru.. thnx again

Marty Luciano said...

THanks on a great template, but I'm having an minor issue. The changes I've made show almost perfectly on safari browser, but don't show properly at all on the latest versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox. Can you take a look at the page whenever you get the chance, to see if you can generate any advice. Thanks again

கார்த்திக் said...

hai Cahaya,

Now i'm using this template.What is the baground image name of the Animated Random Post . image names are different in zip file.

Dipak Patel said...

hey dude pls help me

using ur scarlett themplate there are some problem.

problem is Sliding Images,Tabbed Content, and Animated Random Post are not working. in many browser like Mozilla, Chrome, Flock, and Opera. but its perfectly work in internet explorer. check out my site ( i m using geocity to js script upload.

pls fix this problem soon as possible.

William Maxwell said...

Anyway to get post list to change the items in a set order?

Cahaya Biru said...

@William; that post list script setting is from its original designer. .. Actually, I still find it out too... :)... or maybe you could ask Jinsona Designs for it... :)...

Cahaya Biru said...

@Dipak Patel; I still find out what is all about?
@கார்த்திக்; please find it in its CSS LAYOUT... #postlist { or .spy
@Marty Luciano; I see that your blog archive sidebar is overflow... please set the Blog Archive to flatlist style. (mm yy / January 2009).
And, about video, please move it about 300px to the bottom in the post template. please, move the video code little bit to the bottom. So that it will not overflow again.

test said...

I don't know why, but I get error message, and animated random post is not working. Both in IE7 and Firefox 3.
Do you have any idea why?

Cahaya Biru said...

@test; I see your website, maybe you could ask to original designer in WP Theme. Go to this page,

John Doe said...

I can´t see the DEMO

Anonymous said...

What happens to not go to the download link

Cahaya Biru said...

@John; now you can see the demo

CALISTOR said...

I used your template for my other blog scarlet soundtrack, everything here has been easier, congratulations.

Cahaya Biru said...

@CALISTOR; Thank You CALISTOR... :) enjoy the scarlett... :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Cahaya, when i use mozilla firefox all is ok, but if i use internet explorer (it's IE 7) the look is not good.
Do you know why?

Cahaya Biru said...

@Anonym; please copy this code.

<!--[if lt IE 8]>

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Then, put that code after

Anonymous said...

Hello Cahaya, i have this problem not because i have copied the template but when i look the template in this link:

and also with the template epsilon; all other templates looks well.

What can we do to resolve this? regards roberto from italy.

Anonymous said...

I use Internet explorer 7 (at this moment i am writing with mozilla). rob.

Anonymous said...

hello Cahaya

how to remove read more function on this template ?

Cahaya Biru said...

@Anonym/Rob; Please see my comment answer previously, just above your comment.... :)

Anonymous said...

Great Template, but I just have one question...
is it possible to get the photostream gadget like it shows in the demo image on the bottom right corner ?

Anonymous said...

yes i have seen the comments before; i have token you template and copied in a blog; i have copied the string you written before (and others string from google code for IE7 and IE8) but without results.
After we download java but no results.
It seems that depends from the resolution of the video because we tested here in the factory using so many computers, but i dont understand why monezine is looking well. Regards Roberto

Cahaya Biru said...

@Anonym; yes it is possible...

@Roberto; can you give your blog address... I want to see your blog in my monitor so that I can check what problem it is... I hope you don't mind... :)

Anonymous said...

If i look with my notebook or pc WITH INTERNET EXPLORER 7 (or others pc in my society) the following blogs i dont look well (i have send a word document with the print image in your email founded in your contact main page):

1. Your demo site
2. Our demo site with your code (
3. The calistor site (

Regards, Roberto

Cahaya Biru said...

@Roberto; thank you for your report. I have added some of code into the scarlett. please, check my scarlett demo... is it fine? because I use IE6.

pinoyradio said...

the search button does not appear

Anonymous said...

Hallo Cahaya, it's not fine again. If you want i can try after or i can report in your email the look of the demo site. regards roberto

Cahaya Biru said...

@Pinoy; Ok... :)

please find this tag...
<input id='s' name='s' type='text' value=''/>

then, change name='s'
with this


after that, save your template... :). Have a nice blogging... :)

@Roberto; thank you Roberto. no problem, in email that's fine... :)

Lena said...

Hi Cahaya!

Can you tell me how to change the post height?


Cahaya Biru said...

@Lena; the post height is depended on how many words in each your article.

Go to layout -- edit HTML -- (no need to expand widget)
find this:
summary_noimg = 430;
summary_img = 340;

summary_noimg mean that if your post do not have image, so the value of words that will be displayed is set in 430 words. You could change the number in whatever value...

while, summary_img mean that if your post have image, so the value of words that will be displayed is set in 340 words. You could change it also with any number ... :)

have a nice blogging... :)

Junnjun Mendoza said...

Hi!!!...I am interested to use your template its really great but the add gadget in the layout aren't working...It does not show i mean it has no effect like if i put some codes in the widget/html gadget it has no effect..Can you help me??

heres my blog:

Junnjun Mendoza said...

Please help me.I really like this template for my blog. By the way what is te purpose of the slider??For featured posts? or for links that is already permanent? Other gadgets are working except for the top bar menus and the slider....Thank you..Hoping you to contact me...

Cahaya Biru said...

@Junjun; Which xml did you use? Slider is for image show off... :)... some image might attract anyone to go to your page, the page that you have featured.... :)

the link can be change... and can customize... :)

Junnjun Mendoza said...

Oh I see...I used the demo xml for publisher...Which xml should I use???Whats the difference between publisher and user xml??Thanks for the quick response...

Junnjun Mendoza said...

I already changed the xml that I used and it worked. When I add codes to the slider and random post widgets it worked but then it does not show up what it is suppose to be. The slider dont have the next and prvious buttons and it only show 3 items. The random posts does not appear as it should be the texts are put below the image and it does not move like it does in the demo...

Junnjun Mendoza said...

By the way heres my blog again:
thank you

Tina said...

this dude's skill is so freaking Amazing... Wow... I can't believe blogger templates can look this good....

thravis said...

Thanks for this great template, i am using it on my site

thravis said...

Thanks for this great template, i am using on my site :)

Cahaya Biru said...

@Junjun Mendoza; May I know where is your address that use scarlett??
@thravis; you are welcome...
@ Tina; I'll take that as complement... :) ... Glad you like it...
To all, ... Have a nice blogging .... :)

SarahChantel said...

I accidentally deleted the "Post List" Category...Is there anything Can I still use the codes?

Cahaya Biru said...

@Sarah; you mean that you want to return it back?

Blogger Rise said...

great template ...thanks

SarahChantel said...

Yes, I want it to return back.

kolins said...

Very very nice and cool template. Can you teach me how to make the sliding images also appear in post pages and not only in main blog page? Thanks...

Cahaya Biru said...

@Blogger Rise; Thank You...:)
1. Go to LAYOUT -- Edit HTML -- checked expand widget template
(Don't forget to checked the expand widget ....)
2. find (Ctrl+F)this:
<div id='rightcol'>

3. After that, paste this codes exactly below that code above
<b:section class='cahaya52' id='cahaya52' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='HTML77' locked='false' title='Post Link' type='HTML'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<div id='postlist'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>
</b:section> your template

5. After all done, you may need to read how to fill the content of Animated Random Post. (Please, go to Scarlett guide, animated random post link ...)

Have a nice blogging... :) enjoy the scarlett....:)

Cahaya Biru said...

1. go to LAYOUT -- edit html -- NO need to expand WIDGET
(Don't forget, no need to be checked the expand widget template )

2. Find (Ctrl+F) this tag:

<div id='casing'>

3. Below that code you'll see this codes, then Delete it :

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>

4. After that, find this tag

<b:widget id='HTML1' locked='true' title='Slider' type='HTML'/>

5. Below that code you'll see like this :


6. Please delete this code


Remember, only this code... -->> </b:if>

7. Save Your template

Done ......

Have a nice blogging ... Enjoy the SCARLETT....... :)

Agsis14 said...

piye bung koq raiso di download

Cahaya Biru said...

@Agsis14; udah bisa lagi tuh... kalo ga bisa di download biasanya gigafiles sedang maintenance...

kolins said...

it works! thanks cahaya biru.

SarahChantel said...


Lena said...

Hey Cahaya,

I have to ask for your help again, I have some problems with the TOP MENU (because I have more than one header section), I tried to delete the other header section in edit html but it looked the same. Also the TAG CLOUD appears mixed with the POST LINK. These is the link in case you want to take a look:

Thanks again for your help.
And I have to add that you made an amazing work with this template.

Pepiche said...

Hola Cahaya.

Felicitaciones por el gran trabajo que estás haciendo ;)

Un gran saludo!

Tania said...

the footer seem not to look well.something broken there

The Naibster said...

Hey, great template, but i have 1 problem, the Tag Cloud is not working. Do you know why it may be? I checked from the page element page under Tags, and there was only Label containing:

photos (10)
kittens (5)
friends (3)


ferry said...

hai cahaya biru, what a nice template, but i want to ask, if you look at mine,, it's works well on mozilla, but, when opened by IE6, it's width is full to left and right, can u help ? thanks

Artvisualizer Press Media said...

halo daru, saya sudah pasang di web saya.. thanks

BernardC said... to change the "Tabbed content area * Featured Video * Flash tag cloud * Popular Posts " background colour...i can't really see with this colour

blogger networks said...

wew makasih buanget ya... ntar malam mo cbain pasang ah...
muach...muach hehehe

petit_prince said...

woaaaa very nice template! thanks a lot!

Arham said...

hello cahaya

i luv this template and now i am using it

but i find a problem :-

1) dude when ever i open my post a rating widget comes its cool but it is not easily visible as it is half hided in my post line


2) dude how to get links like home and many other


3) alo i am not getting create a link to this post option below my post

plz help !!!! &
plz reply fast :)

My blog :-

Hylke said...

Hi, great template!
I have a problem. When I add something to my top menu (Home, About etc.), the width of the main page changes also. Take a look at my page. Can you help me fix this problem?


Arham said...

still waiting for ur reply :(

plz reply

ılılı. Didi Gravações .ılı. said...

hello Cahaya Biru, Congratulations for his work, his blogs are better than I saw already, Congratulations even look at my blog oh, Apologize for the words, I cannot write in ingles not.... :)

Tamil Selvan said...

Is there a way to pick up your recent posts and the images in it to appear in the sliding menu bar. Also for the 3 column widget, is it possible to have feeds picked up from different websites and display it in the same fashion, image, link and content.

I have also been looking for a customized sharing button code, like the one in yours "Sharing is Sexy". Can it be customized to appear in the bottom of each post

Deny Rendra said...

Mas, Sliding Images - nya tidak berfungsi (jumlah photo berkurang, photo tidak bergerak dan tombol navigasi kanan kiri hilang) ketika Animated Random Post dipasang..

kenapa tuh?? sudah berkali-kali saya coba.
mohon petunjuk nya!!!! thx !!!

Hylke said...

Thank you for the great template!

I only have one question..

Is it possible to add a star rating widget to the posts? It can't be done with blogger in draft or the outbrain widget. Is there some way people can rate my posts?

Arham said...


dude i am using ur template in my blog

but its "LINK TO THIS POST" Option is not working plzzzzzz help me

plz tell me the coding for it

visit my blog to chk it

Cahaya Biru said...

@kolins; OK ... :)
@Sarah; you are welcome
@Lena; have you read the guide?? please read it first ...
@Pepiche; thank you...
@Tania; could tell me more specific??
@The Naibster; is your blog new?? how many label do you have?? if your blog new, sometime the tag cloud was not appear...

try to write something new... and give label too... :)

@ferry; I have tested and well...
@Artvisualizer Press Media; Sama-sama
@BernardC ; you need to add it with HMTL color code...

Cahaya Biru said...

@blogger networks; :)
@petit_prince: :) ...
@ılılı. Didi Gravações .ılı. ; :)
@Tamil; Yes, it can....
@Deny Rendra; bisakah memberi alamatnya??
@Hylke; Yes it can... you need to add the star widget into the template..

@Arham; Link to this post??? what do you mean?

Hylke said...

Hi Cahaya,
that's the whole problem. I don't know where to put it in my template. On the internet they tell me to put it after:
p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3

I can't find this line. Can you tell me what to put where in the template?


Tamil Selvan said...

Hi Cahaya, can you please help me with implementing the changes i asked for..can you provide the necessary codes here so that i can implement it. Also i use a customized google search which specifically searched my blog first. Is there a way to implement that search or any custom to google search to the search option in this template without affecting the template much...thank you in advance man, you rock and so does all your templates

Arham said...

hi dude

as you ca c in this pic

I am taking about "LINK TO THIS POST" When sumbody click on it . it opens my whole post else it not link my post to other website plz help

nutrilift said...

hello cahaya,
my sliding image widget doesn't work,
in my blog
http:// Serie-dl blogspot com

What is the problem ?

and did you miss some image link on the XML code of this wonderful template:
exemple >>

background: url(none/ repeat-x;
background:url(none/la.jpg) no-repeat;
background: url(YOUR-IMAGE-HOSTING-LOCATION-HERE/mc.jpg) no-repeat;

the problem is that I can't find these images :/

thanks for helps

nutrilift said...

can I change the "HOME" title in the top of the layout?
thank you

Eddie H said...


I am working on a new project and would like to use the scarlett template, but I keep having problems with the animated random post. Every time i paste your sample code into the post link section, a grey bar appears where the title/link should appear. Can you help me please? I really like this template.


Eddie H said...

I am working on a new project and would like to use the scarlett template for my blog, but i keep having problems with the animated random post. Every time i paste your code in the post link section, a grey bar appears where the title/link of the post link should be.
Can you help me please?
Thank you!

aad said...

mas daru, ada masalah dikit nich, permasalahan pertama sama dengan punya deny rendra yakni tombol navigasi dan sliding imagenya nggak berfungsi, trus imagenya nggak muncul2 tuh, selain itu postlistnya nggak pula muncul imagenya, mohon beri solusi yo mas, maklum baru belajar nge-blog mas....

roswellgirl said...

hye cahaya biru!thanks for this awesome template..really helped me a lot..

actually i need a favor from you,my blog looked good with firefox,but there's something wrong when i opened it with opera and IE.could you help me please?here's my blog :

thanks in advance!

sarath said...

i like this blog very much i used slider with 7 images and i found if i use PostList (Animated custom post) only 3 slides appearing and remaining slides not appearing please help me

Tamil Selvan said...

Hey Cahaya,
I am using your template at I have a few issues. The slider and the sub nav menu bar disappears in the individual post pages. Is it possible to retain them. Also I have somehow managed to lose the top level vanigation bar (above the header) Is there a way i can add it back. I dint want to reimport the original xml as i had tweaked it to meet the requirements

Professional Writer said...

Mas Daru,
Thanks templatenya sangat bagus. Saya sdh pasang diblog saya

Professional Writer said...

Mas Daru,
Saya sudah pakai scarlet ini, tapi komentar-komentarnya koq gak kelihatan ya? Box komentarnya juga bergeser rapat ke kiri.

Troy Palmer said...

This template is unbelievable - is amazing on my blog.

One thing - is it possible to make it run any faster, and make it adapt to Mozilla Firefox better?

Thank you!

P.S I installed IntenseDebate on the blog and it looks fab.

Liz McCoy said...

Thank you for the incredible template! I'm very much enjoying the look of my blog. I'm implementing this new design on a test blog and have a question.

In the description I see it says ads on the header but I'm not finding in the page elements section of blogger an option for adding adsense there. Could you share with me how to ad adsense ads to the header?

Thank you.

Ali İkizkaya said...

Dear Cahaya!
First of all thanks for Scarlett template. Its works fine. But I had no comment-delete icon or option even I log in admin mode to my blog.
Best Regards.

sevan said... can i delet sliding image bar??

thara said...

hey how to work with menu any code is there?
please help me ...
and above recent empty space i there,,:(

digl said...

Hi Cahaya Biru, i have the same problem that other people before. It's when i use the slidebar there are just 3 pictures and i can make it slide like in the demo. Can you help me plzz :)
And very good template, thanks a lot!

Hashem said...

Hello Cahaya,
first of all thanks for your template, i think its awesome and it took me so long to choose between this template and the Scarlett..both are gorgous!!

my question is ...i don't know how you make those 4 square ads on the side bar...i can make one through adsense but how to arrange those 4 squares as shown here on the top right of the side bar?

thanks again,


Wechner said...

Hi, Cahaya Biru,
I just install your template yesterday, and the sliding images( i did put 6 pictures there yesterday) and it work fine.
Today, I want to put my pictures into the animation post, and find the slider doesn't work anymore!
So, I put all your samples code into the slider and the animation post! And find they really doesn't work!
Would u pls kindly help to check :
Thanks a lot your template and your help too!

rpg said...

Hi thx for this great template but i have a problem about flash tag cloud. İts dont work my real blog but work other blog and templates same ^^ why i cant understand ?

La Huerita said...

Scarlett is a great template and I love it! I've been making cosmetic changes (colors, etc.) on my trial site so that when it's perfect I can switch it to my active blog ( and so far so good EXCEPT I have a couple of problems.

I am using the Scarlett XML file with Javascript Installed.

The slider doesn't work (tested in FF2+ and IE6)

The tabber widget has no way for me to edit the Recent tab. Can't get it to expand to add a feed, etc. and on the page elements section there is no "Recent Post" gadget name-- just the 3 options "Recent", "Tags" and "Labels", individually. Clicking on each option there achieves nothing.

What am I doing wrong? My trial site is at

Beck007 said...

Thanks, its very good

Meyimutz | World populer articles | World in articles said...

have more nice blogger template? :D

Phoenixstorm said...

Hi, I love the theme and you're work is great. Thank you for the time you put into it. I've just added the template but for the life of me I can't figure out how to make the slider and the animated posts work. Any ideas?

My site is

Thank you!

kissmykimchi said...

i can't quite get the slider and post list to work. can you please give it a look. I love your layout design and want to get it fully working.

thank you

Robert-Ovidiu TRIF said...

Thank you Cahaya Biru,very nice templates, please visit my blog I have one problem,the template not work fine in Internet Explorer,what can I do ? Please answer me if you can.In Firefox looks great, but not the same in IE,I am wrong something?

Robert-Ovidiu TRIF said...

When I use both the Slider and Post Link, the slider dont work corect, only 3 image was founded, what am I wrong,please help.

Syafiẽ said...

how to make this template body text justify?
help... =(

Robert-Ovidiu TRIF said...

I found many errors with this templates,what am I wrong?. Recent Posts missing in Edit Layout,where is it?

The Shogun said...

Hi Cahaya Biru,

Absolutely love this site, I've used your other blogger templates for my previous websites and now I'm using your scarlett template for my website now. Unfortunately the Slider at the top doesn't work. It doesnt allow more than three images and when it does, the Animated random post stops working. Is there a fix for this? love your work. My website is

Chelseadaft said...

Cahaya i am using IE8 and the page comes up stretched have a look I have read these comments and A La Mode have theirs working fine with no stretch please help!

Anonymous said...

hello sir im using scarlett template can u help me in adding metatag in this template

sarath said...

hello sir i want to know how to add meta tags in scralett template-sarath (

Ghustie Samosir said...

Mas, sebenarnya bisa berapa bahasa sich? Saya salut banget, kayaknya bisa 5 bahasa yach? :)

Ghustie Samosir

Admin said...

cahaya..y i can't add the google ads in the post??

ive try,but it does'nt apear at all..

please advice

dimas said...

mas cahaya, saya ada masalah di read more, motongnya gak pas banget, ada cara buat hilangin read morenya gak?.

terimakasih banyak

Dennis said...

Ei cahaya nice template. By the way is it possible in the random posts that it would automatically get different posts based on labels/categories so we would not have to edit it every time?


impacto urbano 809 said...

Blogger Template SCARLETT estan super bien y my bueno.

bidikcom said...

mantap... semakin banyak perbendaharaan template untuk blogger
terima kasih atas sharing template ini

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Absolutely Amazing!

Thanks again!

By the way, if you would like to see your template in action, here's my link:

Thanks Again!

SHiNE said...

Hai brother; its a awesome theme mate. i use it for my blog ( everything is working fine but i face only one problem

:- When i browse my blog using Internet Explorer, everything is messed up. I saw your answer about the same question and i did the modification in HTML. But still my blog has same problem ...

Please help me to solve this issue

Thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

hi chaya
How to activate Read More Option on web page as scarlet has widget LImit post but its not working


Scarlett is very professional template. You should write separate guide for it. I found it very flexible and modified it towards easiness. In fact, I did it according to my needs. There would be many who wanted to use it but can not understand the code. One more thing is your tutorial are good not are not for Scarlett template. So, think about it and write some guide just for Scarlett, if you can. Bit modified view is here


Anonymous said...

How to customize footer link in scarlet theme

Karthik said...

i have a problem with sidebars. how to add bullet icons to sidebars??? please help me.

sarath said...

hello sir i want to know how to "add a widget" option below post area
because i want to add this trick to my blog please visit the site hope u can understand what im telling

JunJoke Productions said...

hey ty for the theme. i am new and i have a easy question: how i activate the plugins for this theme??

Rodrigo said...

Hi Cahaya:
Excellent Template, I was wondering how I could remove the "read more". I want complete post. Thanks

Alia Razali said...

hi cahaya biru..

1st of all, thank u for looks great and is exactly what i was looking for..
2ndly, i was there a way where all the tabbed content can be html/javascript gadget??

that's all i wanted to know..hope u can help me out..
thank you!

min HMN said...

hi Biru... thanks for share.
have question for u.
how to change sliding images by auto slider.
i like auto silder in zitizen full.
can u help me !

my blog :

Admin said...

dear your template text menu is not working plzz chake it


p4ladin said...

gimana cara pasang ads 125 x 125 nya biar rapi?

IGMAG said...

Hi Cahaya Biru, I just used your Scarlett layout for my gaming site. Great template! Having a few issues, nothing major, but:
1-When you type in the search bar, it always states no matches.
2-When I use the recent post widget code, it removes the slider arrows and the images put in there.
3-I put in my adsense code for the header, but it doesnt show.
4-it states that there is a place for the 728x15 ad, but I cannot find it. Please offer assistance.
You can see my blog here:

Vera said...

Sorry... you have a BAD script:
"Um script desta página pode estar em execução ou parado de

I'ts no good for us, yours readers!!!

legolas said...

hi ! firstly, your theme is awesome. But i wanna asking you something.

i didnt supply the image slide to my theme. I'm doing and again, again ... but no work it.

could you help me about this unlike situation ?

10x for everything . help me :)

Cahaya Biru said...

@Legolas; could you elaborate your question again??

Hip Hop Style said...

Cahaya, eu gostei do modelo antigo, você pode me dar o link para download do modelo antigo, eu estou procurando o template para meu blog porém preciso de um que tenha um slide, mas simples, no caso o Modelo antigo do Scarlett dar certo, você pode me enviar o link.

manda o link para o E-mail

A parabéns pelo site, muito bom mesmo, pra mim é o melhor!!!

Cahaya Biru said...

@Hip Hop; please translate it in English.... Ok... Sorry, I can't understand.

legolas said...

no need elabrote :) i got it :) 10x again...

Hip Hop said...

Cahaya, I liked the old model, you can give me the link to download the old model, I'm looking for the template for my blog but I need one that has a slide, but simple, if the old model of Scarlett to work, can you send me the link.

send the link to e-mail

The congratulations for the site, very good, for me is the best!

Hip Hop Style said...

Sorry My English is that I am using the translation tool from Google!

Cahaya Biru said...

@Hip Hop;Ok, I'll fix the download link

Hip Hop said...

All the best
And Again, Congratulations on the job!

High Speed Downloads Team said...

hello..where is the search box in this template?how do i add 1?

Anonymous said...

Hello Cahaya Biru! First of all, thank you so much for this converted template! It's amazing. But, I am encountering one small problem. The image slideshow at top works great, until I copied/pasted the Animated Post(s) code into the template. Now, some of the slideshow doesn't show up and the navigation arrows (Left, Right white arrows) disapeared. Help with this error would be greatly appreciated!!


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