Monezine Tabber

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Description :
Monezine tabber is a menu with tab navigation, It is exactly below big banner in right column. Please see the screenshot below.. Monezine tabber consist three tab. First tab is Recent-Post which use Javascript gadget. Second tab is BlogArchive. And the third tab is Label Category.
I have set the tabber with that setting and hope you like it.

About that tabber, 2/3 of it is set automatically, but the 1/3 is not, i.e. the recent-post gadget. You have to fill it with this recent-post.js. click here to save recent-post.JS

Upload that recent post JS to wherever web that facilitating web hosting for free. Or, you can save it on your own hosting.

After that, please Copy this HTML structure below:

<script src='YOUR-RECENT-POST-JS-HOSTING'></script>
<script>var numposts = 10; var showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = false; var numchars = 100; </script>
<script src='http://YOUR-BLOG-ADDRESS/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=rp'>

Change the word :
YOUR-RECENT-POST-JS-HOSTING with your own hosting address where you upload the recent post JS. Example:

YOUR-BLOG-ADDRESS with your blog address. (Example: or

You could edit this in notepad or wordprocessor.

  1. Go to Layout – Add Page Element
  2. you will see recent post tab navigation
  3. press edit
  4. Copy-paste your changing into te box, (the title recent post in title form, is only show in page element, not in web)
  5. Save it
That's all

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