Forex Press

If I see green color, my mind directly connect with nature, tree and leaf. :). But this green is difference. it is related with money. hahahah...
In my country, money is not only in green but also in red, blue, and brown.
Again, hahahah.... Green is just metaphor right....!! just kidding men, just kidding....:).

By the way, as new comer, I would like to Introduce Forex Press V. 1.0 Blogger Template that I have converted from Word Press for you.

This template has been tested in :
  1. Internet Explorer 6. (new versions will view it best, like IE 8)
  2. Mozilla Firefox 2.xx (new versions will view it best, like Firefox 3.xx)
  3. Opera 9.0 (new versions will view best)
After Downloading, please leave a comment below..... yeah... ...........:)

1. Customizing the FeedBurner Form
  • Go to LAYOUT -- Edit HTML -- No need to expand widget
  • find (CTRL+F) this word :


Change it with your own ID. For Example: CahayaBirusSphere

2. Customizing the Menu

Here is the HTML Structure of per menu.
<li><a href='POST-LINK-LOCATION' title='POST-TITLE'> POST-TITLE </a></li>

You can add more menu link by copy-paste under the previous one.
Also, You can edit it in wordprocessor or notepad.

Change the words
  • POST-LINK-LOCATION with your own link
  • POST-TITLE with your own title. The first POST TITLE is hover text. It will show when your mouse put over the link. The second is Text title which can be shown in web.

After that editing, ,
  • Go to LAYOUT -- Add Page Element
  • you will see FOX MENU
  • Press edit
  • Then fill it with yours which just have been edited...
  • Save your template.

For the rest instructions, you can read it in the package.

The files is UPDATED IN 10 April 2009


Creative Commons License
Forex Press by Cahaya Biru is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


Benlahmen said...

So i'm the first here? Just wanna drop a couple of words, beautiful, wonderful, and pro wow...wonder if only my blog was hosted by blogger. No problem i'll be waiting for the download link, be patient ben patient...

Brand building said...

Have u read my email?

Cebong Ipiet said...

aku nggae boso jowo hyahyahayahayahay.....go go semangat..
jiwa perempuan ku menyadarkanku...
aku suka yg cute cute

Cahaya Biru said...

@Benlahmen; Thank You Benlahmen. I've read your e-mail.

@Cebong; That's Fine Ms. Bong. You could use Javanese Language in here. And for another Indonesian, you could use your language. :)

Cebong Ipiet said...

okey i will use japanese, heleh
hayoh ndang di selesikan, ngko tak ripiyu xixixiix
hehehhe tenang, I won't redistribute, give straight link here

Cahaya Biru said...

@Cebong; heheh... OK...OK...

GunGz - Ponseli said...

Great work!
Will wait for the release of the download link ^^

I'm a fan of zinmag theme. And looks like will be a fan of this blog too..

Expecting another great work of you..

NB: Orang Indonesia nih, agak nge sok bahasa Nginggris dikit^^ boleh kan? Mampir2 di blog saya juga ya,

See U..

Cahaya Biru said...

@GunGz; Thanks for dropping by.

manggIs... said...

Intereting template...but...I like a simple template!

tukang templet serabutan said...

hi, bro

ask your permission hehehehe
I'll post your template, straight link to your post, Ok?

Cahaya Biru said...

@manggis; thank you manggis... I'll try to make a simple template... :)

@Cebong aka tukang templet;
That's Ok...and thank cebong... :)

JALOE said...

wwkwkwk keren boss template na suerrr..jadi ngiri neh.. cebong juga ngiri tuh..xixixiixi..

Cahaya Biru said...

@Jaloe; terima kasih mas jaloee... Aku sueeenang banget, mas jaloe udah mampir...

Rubber Duck said...

Great template. Thanks

Benlahmen said...

Where is the dload link? I've been for 3 days wekekek...

project said...

i become confuse what green my eye or template that

translator loading....

saya jadi bingung yang ijo mata saya ato template itu (yah)

Cahaya Biru Sphere said...

@RubberDuck; Thank you Rubber....for downloading. :)

@benlahmen; I will send it to your email :)

@Project; thank you ms. project for being stopped by... :)

Cebong Ipiet said...

hihihihi hayah kang jaloee...tenang, magazine di luar kuasa saya *maksudnya aku ndak bisa wkekekekekke* sdg belajar disain saja

rejangkeme said...

udah di coba nih..keren..thx ya..gpp kan klo di modif sedikit..:D

Cahaya Biru Sphere said...

@rejangkeme; no problem....

Cebong Ipiet said...

ikuh opo kok certified by bloggerstyles

subagya said...

permision to download this template and see the code huehuehuehuehue.... i like magazine style

subagya said...

hahaha i don't notice ms. ebong and kang jaloee was here too.. bravo indonesian template maker

Cahaya Biru Sphere said...

@Subagya; Thanks For Visiting My simple Blog....and
BRAVO... :) :)

All computer tips said...

ijin download ya man...
keep up the good work...

All computer tips said...

hm... when i set themes on my blogspot
it got some says:'No content exists at page 1! Loading 1st page instead.'
what's that mean?

Cahaya Biru said...

@Tips; have you read the "READ ME" file in the package???

no content exist, it's mean that you haven't fill any content in the Glider .... :). Go to your page element.... then fill it...

Money Press Team said...

Now in Money-Press ((Exclusive))

1-What You Need To Know About Money Press
2-What is Google Adsense ?

3-Before applying to adsense
4-Contents of your site or your blog
5-Niche Keywords
6-The free content article directories
7-The Traffic
8-Open an AdSense Account Quickly

9-Who is Joel Comm ? - AdSense Secrets Live #1
10-AdSense Secrets Live with Joel Comm #2 : Google and AdWords
11-Adsense Introduction - AdSense Secrets Live with Joel Comm #3
12-Adsense Start - AdSense Secrets Live with Joel Comm #4
13-Pennies and Ebook - AdSense Secrets Live with Joel Comm #5
14-Ways to do adsense - AdSense Secrets Live with Joel Comm #6

15- The internet marketing
16- AdSense Mistakes
17-AdSense Strategies - Page Placement and Block Size
18-Selecting the Right AdSense Colors

Anonymous said...

ganti warna latarnya bisa ga bos??

Cahaya Biru said...

@Anonym; Yes you can change the color .... :)

konsultan said...

trima kasih Ok bageut truslah berkreasi buat bangsa ini

ekonik3 said...

bos, saya sudah pake template-nya dan makasih yach ternyata sangat menarik.
cuma satu, saya ingin mengedit tabber yang bawah yang ada 6 itu kok gak bisa yach, ajarain yach caranya.
silahkan lihat blog saya dan tolong saya yach

Ammy said...

i have never seen in my life a talented person like cahaya..
you are my man!!!
What a lovely piece of work.. you rock .. you really rock

Tam Bir Blog said...

i dont want to use minipost...
how can i change minipost to normal blogger post?
please help me

Tam Bir Blog said...

please contact with me:) i dont want to use minipost:..:(

Cahaya Biru said...

Hi dropofblood, you dont want to use minipost right???

go to LAYOUT-- edit HTML,-- click expand widget....
find this ....
<div class='minipost'>

then replace it, with this code...
<div class='single'>

after that, save it

Tam Bir Blog said...

Thank you Cahaya Biru...
But there is a little problem..
Can you look at ?
I want posts like in your template.

Tam Bir Blog said...

thank you...
I fixed the problem...

Pabouch said...

Hi great template, i'm using it for about a week now really stunning! thanx a lot!
just a question can you help me config the visual with the posts. They're not like when i edit them is it normal?
thanx again for your great job!

المشاغب ناصر said...

ناسبني كثير جدا وتم اضافتة لمدونتي اشكر لكم جزيل الشكر على مجهودكم الاكثر من رائع

Santana said...

nice work cahaya!
but i have a question, is there any way to make the image in the minipost to be larger in the actual post (let's say 600px wide for example), when you click on the Read More??

i hope you can come up with something to help me.

thanks a lot, and nice work again!

Administrador said...

Hi cahaya
1st of all, THANK YOU, that's exactly what I was looking for.
But I have a little problem -sorry if I make a stupid question-: I edited the ADS 125x125px adding my own referral link and source picture. My demo-pictures are 125x125px. The code line looks so (I modified the tags using "()" in order to be able to post my comment):

(a href='' rel='bookmark' title='')(img alt='' src=''/)(/a)

but I only see the green background color. No link, no picture! Have I done something wrong? THX!!

Administrador said...

cahaya, forget my last question, I've realized that I had my Add Blocker active. Now everything is ok!

Administrador said...

Hi again cahaya,
I have a problem with the feed widget in the right column tabber. When I try to edit it, the pop up appears but the content doesn't load so I cannot edit it. I've tried to eliminate it from template, to load a new feed widget and tried to move the code to the right tabber column, but still doesn't work. Any idea? Thx

Analyst said...

How can I modify template to remove the contnet given in form of a slide on top of page.

Revista Le Fabrique said...

Analyst, just download the template, unrar, and open the file "Customizing FOREX Glider Content.doc". There you will see a very nice description of how to personalize the glider. I've used this template to make a cultural magazine and it's really easy to modify. If you have any further question contact me:

Dagger said...

Nice blog bro
like the way you put together the template

keep it up

Santana said...

hi, i've just donwloaded the template and all i can say about it: AMAZING WORK

just one question, how can i add a new tab in the tabber on the side???

Dik Hevi said...

salam bos....aku tergiur pake templete forex press tu, tapi ngak ngerti ngaplikasikan semua perintahnya.....maklumlah.....kalau sempat tolong di kasih saran....tq

Pr Waldyr said...

Forex press with problems in glider content, menu abas,
requiring the solucions. Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

Problem with featuredcontentglider. There is the following page error: "Featuredcontentglider is not defined". How do i solve it?

Cahaya Biru said...

@To All; If your featured content did not function.... upload your javascript file ....

Anonymous said...

Do you mean to upload javascript file to blogger? What do you mean?

Anonymous said...

Do you mean to put javascript code in "edit html" section in blogger replacing the url path of js files?Should i do this to all js files, or i have to do it only to these js files related to featuredcontentglider; Which are these files;

Pabouch said...

Hi, I have done this to all the web2feel .js files it works perfectly. so you have to redirect all your .js file to your own js hosted files.(which are all in the js folder in the rar). have a nice day!

Cebong Ipiet said...

:D xiixixix yg sabar yaaa... itu saran dari mu..maap kalo ndak tak turuti wkekwkekwkew

Cahaya Biru said...

@Pabouch; great... :)
@Cebong; noo problem :)

Anonymous said...


I have a problem with the menu. When i put the cursor over a menu item, it is not highlighted with the light green. How can i resolve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Cahaya Biru said...

@Anonym; where is your address??


HI chaya, how can i remove the glider thing so that the template can load faster ?
I dont want that glider, instead a featured section would perfectly work ?
can you please let me know how to do that ?
And also which scripts can i remove after i remove the slider ?

Revista Le Fabrique said...

Cahaya, I`m quite newbie and my Glider stopped working. I don't know what to do. How do I make it work again!! (I need a step by step guide, thnx)
My blog:

Revista Le Fabrique said...

Ok Cahaya, I got to host the .js in a server and I've subtituted the files from my template. My Glider is working now ok but now the hove effect on the lavalamp menuuuuu doesn't work... any idea?

Revista Le Fabrique said...

Sorry once again: this time I only wanted to say that I'm quite stupid disturbing you... I've managed alone and everything is working out ok. I suppose it's the lack of self confidence of a newbie.
Thnx anyway

Bloggofrénico said...

Gracias Cahaya. Es una buena plantilla.That's good.Pero No funciona el glider, ni el lavalamp del menu ni en firefox ni en explorer. Si en Chrome. My blog is Bloggofrenia. Look for... please. What's the problem...Thanks a lot. Bloggofrenico

Cahaya Biru said...

The problem is because the javascripts files have been blocked to maintain the bandwidth by Jinsona Designs. And it is excusable. go to this page about how to install the third party javascript.

razor19 said...

thanks cahaya..its really works!!!

Chrisma WIBOWO said...

Mas, looked like your currency converter is broken. Can you fixed it?

Weblogger|CarloBlogg Online said...

wow! I love this template of yours! its really great! ahm, I have a question before I implement this to my blog; can I change the color of this template? I was wondering if I can change the prevalent color to green to something else, like red, or blue. Is it possible? How can I do this? Thank you very much sir for the help! :)

Cahaya Biru said...

@Carlo Blogg; Actually, it can. But, ,there is a lot thing to do. So color use picture... you could change it in image editor...

and the rest is in CSS LAYOUT...

Weblogger|CarloBlogg Online said...

thanks for the quick reply Cahaya! ahm, I have another question, it seems like my Right Column Tab can't be seen on the Page element page in my Blogger. So in effect, I cant insert any HTML in them. Number 1 to 3 are absent in the Page Element, as well as 4,5, and 6 at the bottom of the post. But, if i'll refer in the MS Word doc included in your installation, a picture of the template shows that the Number 1 to 6 are present.
How can I make these appear in my template? I can't put on the comments,Archives as well as the Feeds in my template because they are missing :(
Thanks agaain~:D

Cahaya Biru said...

@CarloBlog; You have to host the JS files at JS web hosting. Yes, the tab 1,2,3, and ... are not shown when the javascript not there. While,' type='text/javascript' type='text/javascript

Find that address in your blog. Then replace the words
with your own hosting.
if you need to read how to install the JS files, please go to this page.

Ok, have a nice blogging... :)

Weblogger|CarloBlogg Online said...

aaah, thanks Cahaya! ok now I found your JS files in your installation. I want to ask another question :D, where should I upload this JS files?I have a webhost at Is that ok? I'm kind of confused because I dont have any idea on uploading Javascripts. :D can you give any sample webhosts that can accomodate JS files??

sorry for my ignorance - this is my first on delving on very technical blog tweaking :D

Godbless! :)

Cahaya Biru said...

@carloBlog; you can If you have yahoo email account.. you just need register in geocities. Not bad, geocities loading speed is fast.

Actually, has webhosting. But, now it is closed by And, decrease the data transfer/loading speed... :)

ok... have a nice try... :)

Anonymous said...

I have a problem with youtube videos in FireFox 3.0.8 (last version). When my posts include an embedded youtube video the videos appear in the first page and outside the posts area. How do i solve this problem?

Cahaya Biru said...

@Anonym; please, when you leave comment in here, you should give your address.

Btw, ok then, I have written about it. Please go to this page for further.

clopyandpaste said...


Thank you very much Cahaya. I would appreciate it if you helped me with blogger video application. The blogger video application takes all the space of the post at first page. How could i avoid this?

clopyandpaste said...

One more question: I put in all my posts a small image on the up-left of my posts so as it appears on the first page of blog. How could i block this image, so as not to be appeared on my posts?

Cahaya Biru said...

@Clopy and paste; I have seen your blog. Thank You.
Btw, have you read my article?
Yes, that article tell about the video solution...

In the same time, about this night, I will update the forex press blogger template. That Template is almost 6 months. And, many blogger have developed new tools.
Because of that, This updated will very reliable and stabil.... it is using different style of read more...

Tomorrow, you will be able to use it...
And, Have a nice blogging... :)

clopyandpaste said...

Cahaya, yes i have read your article and i corrected with this way some of the youtube scripts. But how could i correct the script concerning the blogger video application? At this case we have the following tag:
(object class="BLOG_video_class" id="BLOG_video-x" height="266" width="320" contentid="x")
How could i apply to the above tag the advice of the article?

Thank you very much for your support!

P.S. I'm waiting the new template and i wish i could adjust it to my template, because i have made some changes to its structure.

Cahaya Biru said...

@Clopy; The Forex Press is done... :)... In my country, now is about 1 am. where is your mail, I will send it to you... :)

Anonymous said...

how can I create sub menus on your menu bar?

Cahaya Biru said...

@Anonym; oh yes... thanks for reminds me...
I will update the post... :) ...

clopyandpaste said...

@Cahaya; My email is Thank you.

Weblogger|CarloBlogg Online said...

thanks Cahaya for the reply, I have my template on working condition. By the way, I wanted to ask a question again - do you know how to wrap a Google adsense code in a post? I have done this with my blogs before, but I have a hard time implementing this on your template. Can you help with this? Your help will be greatly appreciated :D

Thanks again! :D

Cahaya Biru said...

@Carlo; where do you want to put your adsense code? in single post or the back page? please send your e-mail... the explanantion is little bit long... :)

Anonymous said...

how can I create sub menus on your menu bar?

Cahaya Biru said...

@Anonym; based the original design, the forex press doesn't have any sub menu...
have a nice blogging...:)

Anonymous said...

Doès it work with Wordpress? Please have a look at
Nothing seems work correctly! :(

Cahaya Biru said...

@Anonym; For Wordpress, please go to

Anonymous said...

Do u mean the blog for having on-line support?

Cahaya Biru said...

@Anonym; about online support, please try to ask the Jinsona Design itself (

Kawthar said...

hello Daru...I love your template and I really appreciate your effort to bring it to blogger for free..and I am use it now for my magazine it still in progress actually..just wonder how did you make that multi tab box ? I've one but it doesn't look neat like yours. could give me hints or the way please..and one more thing can I add posts in that long section under the mini post section as the wordpress version? thank you in advanced :)

aashish said...

thanks cahaya biru !

Pabouch said...

Hi cahaya, i've just rechecked your template demo, though the JS file haven't been updated, i noticed that you applied your overscalling thing on the image that's really interest me!
do you have any idea of doing the changing view button like the one on it's a very cool feature...
thanx for helping me :) have a nice day.

Tycos Production said...

Hai cahaya biru, Kenapa dalam template ini tiada 4 kotak seperti preview nya diatas? dan bagaimana saya boleh bikin kotak 4 tersebut?

Eva Issabela said...

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Anonymous said...

good work Thanks for your effort

ProfitableSystem said...

Nice forex Blog...

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Rylai Cressfall said...

Mas mau tanya.. supaya bisa ada sub menu macam "home" "about me" "contact us" "why us"... itu caranya gimana? supaya jadi bagus seperti punya mas... Suwun... :D

ProfitableSystem said...

Perfect template....Really 2x nice..Good work..
thanks for share it :D

timbuktu said...

i like it please visit for more info

clopyandpaste said...


The featuredcontentglider in the new version of Forex Press Blogger Template cannot display the text between the tags div class="glidemeta" and div. How could we solve this problem;

Project Management Templates said...

That's you....thank you

Fatima Ibraheem said...

how can i add a TV video in the gadget AND PLEASE HELP ME BY TELLING THAT HOW CAN I ADD GLIDER CONTENT???????????/ plz tell me

Cahaya Biru said...

@Fatima; what type of forex press did you install in your blog? simple or full versions??

greg said...


I am looking for some good forex training. Please give me some idea. I found one site good please look at this also.


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