Zinmag Chronicle
Zinmag Chronicle is red and black combination, three column layout, and two inline mainpost style. Chronicle is ready for any niche. Try the Zinmag Chronicle for your blog.
Install The Template
Please Sign In to Blogger
Go to LAYOUT -- Edit HTML
If You need to back up your old templates, please do the back up first.
Upload The Zinmag Chronicle XML Files.
Click the Upload button.
Save your template.
Customize The Logo
Go to Layout – Edit HTML – no need to expand widget template
Find this image address :
The logo use image file. The size is 243 pixels width and 51 pixels height.
Please make customization in image editor. After you make your own logo, Upload it into webhosting and get the link address.
After that, replace the above address with your own image address that you get in your webhosting.
Customize The Menu
Go to Layout -- Edit HTML tab
No need to check Expand widget template
Find (Ctrl+F) this below:
<li><a href='#'>Title Here</a></li>
Then, You will find like this:
<li><a href='#'>Title Here</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Title Here</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Title Here</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Title Here</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Title Here</a></li>
Please, change # symbol with your targeted address.
Change the word Title Here with your own title.
You can edit this in Notepad or wordprocessor.
After all finish, then save your template.
The Second Menu
find this (Ctrl+F) :
below that code, you will find like this:
Please, change PARENT-LINK-ADDRESS with your own targeted address.
After that, change the word PARENT-TITLE with your own title.
Save your template
how to add some widget to this templates?
@mac; What widget sam?
Ribettttttttttt :P
@Panut; sori yaa.... mungkin panut bisa cari yang lain, yang ga ribet... :)
it´s better for worspress... with the glider and all that
hahaha.. just kidding!
this is NOT a blogger template... is NOT .xml
hey! How i can change the minipost image size??
@Lo Nuevo; That's Fine.
@Matt; Find this in Edit HTML :
img_thumb_height = 80;
img_thumb_width = 120;
80 refer to the height size
120 refer to width size
kalo di "home" kalo judulnya panjang, kok malah ga keliatan.
gimana ngatasinnya?
@Rizqi; waduh... kirim aja xml ke email ok...
templatenya bagus dan loading nya juga cepat. tapi kok gak kompatible dengan live writer?, gimana ngatasinya mas?
@Anonym; Bolehkah kirim picture?
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