Image and Text Slider

This writing explains about how to fill the content of Slider Gadget

Short Description

Slider with Teaser Text is a link with thumbnails picture and short text as teaser. The Image and texts can automatically move to left or right. In the same time, it could manually slide by pressing the left-right panel button. Slider could attract your blog visitors to read your article which you’ve been featured.
Please, see the screenshot below.

HTML Structure

Every content in Slider Gadget is using HTML combination. Below is the HTML of one content in slider gadget.

<div class="panel">
<img src="IMAGE-ADDRESS" alt=""/>
<div class="inpost">
<h2><a href="ARTICLE-LINK" title="TITLE">ARTICLE-TITLE</a></h2>
<p>TEASER TEXT HERE.... <a href='ARTICLE-LINK'>Read→</a></p>

Please changethe words
  • IMAGE-ADDRESS with the address of your image. The image size is 360 width and 180 height.
  • ARTICLE-LINK with the link of your blog article. Try to find the most interesting information or news, and it will be a good content for the slider content.
  • ARTICLE-TITLE with the title of your blog article.
  • TEASER-TEXT with some texts, maybe about 20 – 50 words as a teaser for your reader. Or, you could copy-paste some paragraph from your article.
You can edit those HTML in notepad or word processor
To make another content, please copy-paste another one before or after the previous content.

After make customization, please read this:
  • Go to LAYOUT – Page element
  • In that page you will see Slider gadget, please press edit button
  • Copy-paste your customization into the box
  • Save it

Customize the Special Features Of the Template

Image And Texts Slider


Anonymous said...

ok what file is this on it would help if we knoew how to find it

Adam said...

The scroller works fine, however theres an ugly scroll bar under and on the right side of the scroll gadget.

Would you mind helping me out?

Cahaya Biru said...

@Adam; its looks fine, I did not see any scroll bar under on the right side. Maybe you have to set your monitor resolution...

Adam said...

yes srry about that, i checked my javascripts and one of them was the problem...

so yh heads up to feature people using this amazing template

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