Sorry Part II (Short And Clear)

SCARLETT, BISMAX and MONEZINE download links are READY

After so many comments, suggestions, and advice in this title Part I, I have been thinking for a while. There has been war in my mind, great struggle, for several days, thausands of minutes. One said "Business/commercial" and the other said "Free". Screaming inside my soul "Free...." and the other side said ""

While my condition as a blogger who was confusing, I look after my guidance book and read about happiness...

what is the meaning about happiness...??
And come another questions in my mind. Is money the only thing to get happiness?
I walk around to think, reading again... then reading again...

Then, I found one of postulates from my guidance book. It said,
When you help other people, then they will help you. Love them, and they will love you. Bring to them the best, then they will respect.

Eventhough life is pain, no need to worry about money. The Invisible hand will provide what you need, and not what you want. The invisible hand will give extra to the higher level.

Maybe you will say that I am stupid, dumb, or anything like that...because not making my conversion for commercial interest...

Let's see next ... we will know who is clever and dumber....

In the same time, I also want to introduce my new domain name. I change it from to will come with love. You will see premium template setting that shared for free in this blog.

Because of changing domain, I really appreciate if you don't mind to change credit footer link to

Again, will come with love.

Thanks for visiting and using my works. Also, Thank you for your support, advice, and suggestions.

BOOM ... BOOM ... BOOM ...


Arnab, said...

wow wow Thank Yoy.. Boom Boom Boom.. How you like Bass !! [:)]

Arnab, said...

Dude can you tell me how to make label as like you..

eg...Browse » Home » My Personal Diary For You » Sorry For Make You Wait Part II (Short And Clear)

Plz tell me .. my mail id is

Ammy said...

I know i a the culprit who advised u for money !!! but you won my frined thanx for sharing your thought as well as these beautiful template !!1
When People read this word free they hardly care for its true meaning..we should understand that the person offering them is ready to give your service or work for you ..just only so that u can enjoy its benefit ...
to be honest enough i am an indian and one guy from this website is also an indian but he is so mean that he refused to help me..and cahaya helped me without any second rock !!

Cahaya Biru said...

@Arnab; that's called breadcrumb. find it with keyword "breadcrumb for blogger" in your search engine. Many bloggers have written about how to implement it... :)...

@Ammy; thank you for your appreciation ... you are one of my blogger friends too... :) ...

Wim Van Goethem said...

I have a question regarding the image slider in the Gamezine template: I do everything you say but i only get two images and no arrows on the side. And when i check the rich text with the slider i see 3 images, how can i solve this? And how can you change the word GAMEZINE to something else? Plz help.

Btw great work!

Cahaya Biru said...

@WIM VAN; Looks like you are newbie. but that's fine. The problem is because the script.
read this page first...

there you will read about how to install the scripts in third party...
About the text gamezine... it use image...

press right click in your browser, choose view background image....
then you will see the image file name....
you have to edit it in photoshop or alike...

Cebong Ipiet said...

you have a talent as writer :P

Wim Van Goethem said...

Yes i'm a newbie idd :). I have found what i need to do for GAMEZINE but i still don't get the slider. I've read the page and downloaded those JS but i don't know what to do with them. It's my last problem but i have to say again: Great work on thse templates, really amazing work.

Grtz and thx in advance

Wim Van Goethem said...

So the files (JS) that I have downloaded, i need to put them on a site? But i can't a site where i can put them :p.

Grtz said...

if you have yahoo mail, you can use to host your file.... :)

ndyteen said...

akhirnya...muncul jg templatenya...bisa didownload hehehe

tq mas

alex pinto said...

I have removed your link from template, but now I am thinking to add it back. :)
Best of Luck for your success, God Bless You.


I see you have a good template for your blog now. Previously when i visited your blog, i used to see that template and even the links were not set properly.
THis template looks great.

Cahaya Biru said...

@Bloggeruser; Thank you... Pradeep Kumar Singh... :)

Anonymous said...

"When you help other people, then they will help you. Love them, and they will love you."I hav d feeling its quoted frm Mother Teresa's collection.Uff..
Btw,was money ever makes ur life miserable dear?Thinkin this way-Life is like an onion; You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.But the rest is beautiful and absolutely tasty!try it..
em gonna send u email, dunno how to reach u since none of my offline msg returned.uf uf


Wim Van Goethem said...

It works :). Perfect :). Can you make something with the slider that it moves automatically between slides after a couple of seconds?


Cahaya Biru said...

@Wim Van Goethem; hm... I will consider about it. However, the code is from its original designer, the Jinsona Design. Maybe, you can ask to Jinsona itself. ... :)

thom said...

still confused..
Let me read it once again.

Sir john said...

you're the best!!!!

Clyde said...

:) super just read this post!

Anonymous said...

thank you very much, u're the best
with love...with love...with love...

subagya said...

you are the man :D

kennedy said...

cahaya i dunno if uv bn to ma blog before ( ab i use it to disseminate news on ma school and so i av always wanted a magazine style template. however i can't find somewhere to upload the js files because geocities and google are not accepting any more accounts. what do i do naw. pls help

Sara said...


Thank you so much for doing the right thing. It really means alot for bloggers like me to come to a friendly place and find what they need without having to spend money, espcially when people don't have it to spare. I really want to thank you so much for everything.. you're incredibly helpful, and you're wonderful. Words cannot express... Thank You SO Much! =)

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