Video And News

This article contain two topics of Gamezine Guide. First is about the size of Video Size. The Second is about News with mini thumbnails.

Gamezine Video And Mini Thumbnails

The Size Of gamezine video :
Gamezine video is placed in rightcol. It has been added video header with the original author with Gamezine TV title. The size of gamezine video is 310px width and 255px height.
You could have the code from or alike. After you get the code of your favourite video, please read the steps below :

1. Edit video size, by notepad or wordprocessor, into 310px width and 255px height
2. Afterwards, go to add page element.
3. you will see "Video" gadget

4. press edit
5. copy-paste the code that you have been changed into the box
6. save it

News display with mini Thumbnails:
News Display is your post links that have mini picture as thumbnails. The position is exactly below the search form in right column.

The structure of PER content of news is :

<div class="fblock"> <img src="YOUR-IMAGE-SOURCE-HERE" width="80" height="55" alt="" /> <h2><a href="YOUR-POST-LINK-HERE" title=" HOVER-TITLE ">YOUR POST TITLE </a></h2> <div class="auth"> Posted by AUTHOR </div> <div class="fmeta"> MM-DD-YY </div> </div>

change the words
  • YOUR-IMAGE-SOURCE-HERE with your own image source
  • YOUR-POST-LINK-HERE with your own post link that you want to be listed
  • HOVER-TITLE with your own short description
  • YOUR POST TITLE with your post title
  • AUTHOR with your name
  • MM-DD-YY with the post date
(You could modify it in notepad, or wordprocessor)

After changing :
1. go to add page element

2. you'll see FEATLIST, then press edit
3. copy-paste all your code into HTML javascript box.
4. save it.
That's all guys .... have a nice try....


vuluganck said...

i want to exchange link with your blog
do u agree ?

vuluganck said...

biru can you lead me how to put " blog square icon" next to your "label" ?

Cahaya Biru said...

@vuluganck; Ok, that's fine... I will create blogroll for my blog...

@vuluganck; you mean the icon of social bookmarking site...? ok.. thats fine

Home4pinoy said...

Long live biru!!!

Red Devil said...

really gr8 layout.. still tryin it out..can i change the gamezineTV header??

daniKO said...

hello ... how to modif that ? the mini pics don`t work ... please help me ...

Cahaya Biru said...

@Red Devil; yes you can.
@daniKO; the minipics only show when the picture set in float left or right. When it set in center, the mini pics will stop. ..:) OK.. have a nice day with gamezine... :)

Emrah AKIN said...

Good templates

Andi Syahrul Syahruddin Tola said...

Gimana sih Cara mengganti gamezine tv nya... jadi nama kita sendiri??? tolong sunkzzz

914 said...

Thanks for the beautiful template yaar...

Guille-Rock said...

biru, can i change the gamezine tv header for the one i want?
greetings for buenos aires! argentina
exelent blog. exelent template

Evan G. said...

how do you change the various gamezine headers?

Pitonizza said...

It is possible to embebed videos in this theme?
If I want to put adsense, it will appear in single posts?

Thanks Cahaya, great theme!!

WolveriĊ‹e ™ said...

thanks this is coool can i add this to my blog

Accessory said...

Best Blogger theme I have seen yet


WT said...

Hey Cahaya, I wanna know how to the advertise ment links like u created at the top of your page. I know how to create it but the alignment comes vertical. Please can you tell me how to make it horizontal. Please reply or email me at

Gonzalo said...

How can I change The Magazine Tv, Gamezine Featured, Sponsors, Gamezine Last News....?

starfire09 said...

Okay, Cahaya, my IQ just went up about 20% from just being on your blog here! Lol! You are awesome! I stumbled across your templates while looking for something creative for my blog. I want to try using this template. I DO know html and css so it shouldn't be too hard.

But I had to say I'm just blown away by these templates of your! Thank you for sharing and keep creating these incredible designs! Happy blogging!

SieChor Organization said...

How to change the HEADER ???I wanna change them....I'm INDONESIAN ! !I guess you are too..

Christy Buena said...

Is there a way to wrap the FEATLIST titles to the second line? My titles are getting cut off. Thanks!

TheWhisper said...

How do i find the fox menu? I cant edit the submenu anywhere, help!

simontvnetwork said...

great work bro keep it up....

R.Yadav said...

Hi chaya Biru

my GameZine Tv is not working
Pls Help me

Cahaya Biru said...

@Yadav: Are you placing the code in a right place???

Yesaya Bunawan said...

@cahaya biru...
can you please look out at my blog?

I want to make video in FEATLIST appear in GAMEZINE TV, but they just go to another website (YouTube) and play fullscreen there.

how to make it like I wish?

many thanks..... I owe you ^^

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