Gamezine Glider

This writing explains about how to fill content of GLIDER feature in Gamezine Template

Short Info

Actually, What is content glider??
Content Glider is featured contents on your page, by turning ordinary pieces of HTML content into an interactive "glide in" slideshow.

Just see the screenshot right guys...

Glider Position In Gamezine Template

The Gamezine content Glider position is under header menu, which have left-right toggler in right top corner.

HTML Structure for content of glider

This is the structure of PER Content Glider:

<div class="glidecontent">
<div class="glidemeta">
<a href="TARGETED-LINK-ADDRESS" title="title" > <img src="IMAGE-SOURCE-ADDRESS" width="620" height="220" alt="title"/> </a>

PER Content it means that one picture, one short description, and link. That is the HTML structure of one content in content glider.

Change the words
SHORT DESCRIPTION with your own.

The image thumbnails is 620px width and 220px height. Please do not change the image setting.

Moreover, If you need to add more content, just make it two, three or etc, by copy-paste under the previous content. After that, change all link, image source, and short description for the second content.

You can edit this in word processor, notepad, or alike.


Administrador said...

where is my add page element? thanx

Missio Foundation said...

Really nice template you provide
Looking for more innovative ideas from you

vuluganck said...

Can you give me the CSS code and location to put javascript ? Your instructions are too hard to understand , this morning I spent at least 1h30 to add the glider or slide but cant

Cahaya Biru said...

@Vuluganck; this article is for fill the gamezine content glider widget in gamezine template, not for installing the script or its css. :)

Anonymous said...

cahaya sos grande.. great templates.. 0.o

Home4pinoy said...

i must say! its so GREAT!!! thanks man! hope i could return favor in the future.. Peace! love ya!

qassam said...

cahaya..ngapain slidenya nggak bisa operasi?

Max said...

Hey! I mean very confused. Please help. In the content glider the images do not changge and in the slider more than two images are not coming. Please help i love this template. My email id is Please.

|:. Soldier .:| said...

I've added the code exactly as shown but does not work for me, to give the arrows to the left or right back to me only top of the page and also are the Slider me the same thing, just add 3 images and 2 and shown not the arrow keys to move to the sides.

My blog

wazzupweb said...

please email me if u have time... the glider content doesnt work. i have 2 images but the 2nd image doesnt show.. as well as the image slider.. only two images shows... ?? please help me,, thank u so much.. please help me... thank u so much!!

|:. Soldier .:| said...

I agree with wazzupweb or the slider or the glider not working. With all due respect, if you go to upload something to make sure the network is well and that these problems are very visible and we need to work otherwise takes away the credits at the bottom of the page.

Cahaya Biru said...

@Soldier; hey soldier..., I have sent an email to wazzup... because of that I do care the template user of gamezine.

the problems of slider, glider, and tab are because of the scripts has been blocked by Jinsona design itself.

please read this page to download the scripts and how to install it....

I have written it just a couple hours after jinsona blocked the scripts.
And, please do not remove the footer credit. I have spent several hours to convert that "awesome" GAmezine for you for free...

|:. Soldier .:| said...

Great if it all works now complete, but what are the aspects that should be displayed, just the glider, the slider, the tabs and what else?


Cardem said...

Grande mi hermano (brother you are great!) Muchas gracias (Thank you very much)

Pencak said...

hai mas salam kenal,,Kok sesudah saya Buat HTML di atas Slidenya Tidak Bergerak ya Kenapa ya mas....
Mohon Bantuan ya =)

Cahaya Biru said...

@Pencak; please, bacalah halaman ini disitu ada penjelasan tentangnya.

Belela-san said...

Hi there, been trying this and is working nicely but I would like to know if there's the possibility of the changing the name of GAMEZINE FEATURED to something else

Jared|Speakwealthnow said...

amazing! I was wondering though, is there a bandwidth limit to the hosting site where the images of the template was created? It could become a problem especially if the number of visitors from one site using your template is above 1,000,000 (just an example). Any solutions you can come up with?

You are very talented. I've bookmarked your site and will be checking for more..

Jacob "FoRgOtN" Rollin said...

When I have a description typed in, it doesn't show up on my blog when I hover over the image.

Cahaya Biru said...

@Jacob; Hi Jacob, you have to fill in the content glider more than one. Three or four that's fine... If the problem still there. Please tell me. Have a nice try ... :)

Jacob "FoRgOtN" Rollin said...

@Cahaya Biru; Problem is still there when I have three things on the glider content. The description doesn't come up like it should on any of the three.

CALISTOR said...

Your template is great, my only problem is the glider, paste the code but the images do not move, I can only set one, you know it ...

a million thanks for the template

My link:

Cahaya Biru said...

@Calistor; your problem is because the scripts.
please read this page... to get it and how to install it.
have nice blogging... :)

@jacob; please wait, I need to check a little bit ... I hope you don't mind..

CALISTOR said...

Indeed it was, solved as DIGE your template is great for the type of blog that I thought, thank you very much, you leave a link without a doubt.

This was my old template, which took years to load, now if this will fit with yours.

Cahaya Biru said...

@callistor; you are welcome. I have seen your blog... ... have nice blogging... :)

CALISTOR said...

If you look like my blog has become with your template, you will see everything except the bottom of the page that I get some videos Off-site I did not post that does not have to change the tickets for not leaving.

Jacob "FoRgOtN" Rollin said...

@Chaya; I don't mind waiting at all. Thanks for helping. Let me know when you figure something out.

AnAk MeTaL!! said...

thx yah templatenya keren banget! tapi saya masih agak bingung..

Nak Makassar said...

mas ada tutorial yang bahasa indonesia gak?

Cahaya Biru said...

@ anak metal; :)....
@ nak makassar; tutorial bahasa Indonesianya belum ada... belum ada waktu bikinnya... tapi saya pertimbangkan yaa.... :).. selamat ngeblog... :)

storage-tips said...

Thanks for share friend, you awesome...!!!
i dont know what i can say to you...
i'm really2 thanks 4u...

i will add you to my bloggroll as my bestfriend...

visit my job stuff :

launies said...

I have tried all I can to get a picture to work in the glider and it won't work.

div class="glidecontent"
div class="glidemeta"
a href="" title="Gears of war" Gears of war
Quisque orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam augue pede, molestie eget, rhoncus at, convallis ...
a href="" title="Gears of war" img width="620" alt="Gears of war" src="" height="220"/

All I did was cut and paste the link. Puting the address in my browser brings up the picture. I have spent hours trying to get this to work. I love the design, but it wont work. I am sure it is something simple I am not seeing. I ecen cut the picture to the exact pixel size and nothing. I am in a time crunch, please help if you can.
Had to remove <> that represent html to post in here.


launies said...

Okay, I got the picture on. Don't really know what I did differently. I have to put the picture in a post, take that link and put it in the glider. Why is the picture all pixelated and distorted?

launies said...

Okay, I got the picture on. Don't really know what I did differently. I have to put the picture in a post, take that link and put it in the glider. Why is the picture all pixelated and distorted?

#DIGITAL S@VER# said...

hello biru,my glide can not run.what the solussion???

scandal 9x vn said...

thanks you

The AmeRican Kid said...

why do my VIDEOS (overlap) into my page?

how can i get rid of the name gamezine & put my OWN NAME?

The AmeRican Kid said...

WHY dont my head.jpg SHOW at times? i get a BLANK WHITE header & at other times i dont, HOW can i FIX that?


Mohammed Jevrie said...

my glider is not functioned, please help me for javascript
this my blog

Pablo Pellegrini said...

when i do all that, the left-right button don't change images, how i do that?

Marcelo Almaguer said...

I just did it, the instructions are VERY straightforward, what seems to be everyone's problem is uploading the JavaScript files and linking them in the HTML editor. After I did that everything went smoothly, thanks A LOT, this is a GORGEOUS template, so, really, thanks a lot for this!

maNNaWaSSaLWa said...

boleh tolong tak, bagaimana mahu letak gambar dekat glider nih

Cahaya Biru said...

@marcelo; You are welcome
@MannaWaSalwa: dimana?? dekat glider?? atas, bawah, kiri, kanan?

hoeve said...

help me, my glide don't work. The url of javascript is tru,, and it's hosted on my server... what I can do to resolve?!


Cahaya Biru said...

@Hoeve; I can't see your url?? Is javascript really true??

Hoeve said...

The URL of js is:

You can't see the url becouse the site is under costruction.
It don't work.
But on another server it work....
Maybe an incompatibilty problem?!

My host is on

Cahaya Biru said...

@Hoeve; What hosting did you use? Blogger or word press?
if it wordpress, please go to

Patterson Family said...

@Launies - I had the same problem w/the glider images. I'm not a "web developer" so doing this type of stuff is foreign to me. I'm a professional "Tech Head" though so I figured I would take a crack at trying to figure out why my images were not showing correctly. I noticed in Firefox when I did a properties on the images from my site that they were being shrunk to 144x52 and then changed to the size that the template requires 620x220 which is why the pictures were being distorted. I tried looking at the html coding and didn't see anything that was causing this (but I'm not a coding type and might have missed something). I noticed that Cahaya Biru was utilizing the file format .png and not .jpg on his demo site and when I was looking at other people sites that have been listed here that the ones that were looking correct were also using .png for their images. I went into Photoshop CS4 and simply saved the same graphic files from .jpg to .png, re-uploaded my graphics to my online storage site (I'm using for items that I can't save to Google's Picasaweb), changed the link info in the glider and it worked. Hope that helps.

@Cahaya Biru - THANK YOU very much for your help that you have provided to the community with your work. The only thing I need to do with my site now is to make changes to the graphics that have "Gamerzine" in them which is my next step. Your instructions have been very helpful that you have provided online. You can view my family blog that I'm using your template at

Cahaya Biru said...

@Patterson; You are welcome and thank you very much. Congratulation with your family blog also. :)

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