About Me

Hi... my name is Daru Kurniawan Ahmadi. I am from Indonesia, a beautiful equator country in south east Asia. I live in Sidoarjo, East-Java, in Java Island. Please, don't read JAVA SCRIPT OK... instead of East-Java...LOL. Nevertheless, I will relocate myself to my second home in Kinabalu, Sabah, North Borneo, Malaysia to meet the girl that I love.

I use Cahaya Biru as Nick Name is this world wide web. Actually it is from The word "Daru", from Javanese language, which means Cahaya Biru (English: Blue Light). In our people, "Cahaya Biru or Blue Light" has been indicated as a good light for recognizing a baby that just been born. So I use that "Cahaya Biru or Blue light" as nick name in this blog...

In the same time, I don't have any background of study about computer formally. I just like to learn many things. I like to read everything, Philosophy, Politics, Science, Policy Science, History, Computer Technology, and everything.

This picture was taken in 26 June 2008 in Malang, East Java, Indonesia

In the same time, actually, I am a Policy Analyst or Public Administration Researcher. However, I like blogging. So here I am, Helping you by converting some WP Themes to Blogger. And, for next, I will try to create my own templates. :).

Lastly, Thanks For Visiting My Blog.. :) ...


Daru Kurniawan Ahmadi
a.k.a Cahaya Biru


Clyde said...

Nice to have a face behind the nick name always helps!!!


Cebong Ipiet said...

wekekekekkekekkeke narsis kronis xiixixixix

vuluganck said...

I dont know what its called, but i just see the word"mouse over for reading"

I like that , I will make the "relate template" on my blog(put on that place is very good).
I have put your blog on my blogroll , you can go to my blog and check: www.zenplate.blogspot.com

This is my little experience,delete the blog archive, it is not necessary.

Dont put over 3 ads(3 is ok) on main page.
You have changed the ads color in black, very good, its related with your content color.I like that...
But the ads 468x60 in that place is not good much, i think so.

Dont forget to put my site on your blogroll and introduce my blog to ur friends.
Thanks much Biru and have a good day
Your profile is very nice, you are handsome!

vuluganck said...

help me step by step to add the slide on my blog like you.
Its so nice on yours!!!!!! :((((((((((((

I want itttttttttttttttttt
help me Biru!!!!!!!!!!!!
Create a new post to add it
Thanks biru

Cahaya Biru said...

Ok... ok... this night I will create my blogroll...
And, about the slide, please wait..., Ok... :)

vuluganck said...

thanks much biru

mochal said...

wow... you are going to malaysia.. but im still waiting for your template design :p in here. and good luck for you


marco gonzalez said...

hey men..im your new friend in MEXICO...saludos FROM REYNOSA, TAMAULIPAS MEXICO
nice 2 mmet u...in webpersonality!

Cahaya Biru said...

@Mochal; Iya bang mochal... Oh, iya btw, udah masuk agenda, sedang bersiap-siap buat template baru... :)

@Marco; Hi... Marco.. :)...soludos to you too... :)..

vuluganck said...

can you tell me add "blogupp.com" widget to our site for what ? what is it ? does it increase traffic for me ?

Cahaya Biru said...

@Vuluganck; yes, it can increase the visitor to our site. Find blogupp.com, then fill the form, then paste the code to your blog. that's all.

vuluganck said...

So why dont you post an entry leading how to add slide ? Im waiting for it for 2 days up to now.

vuluganck said...

i think Blogupp.com does not bring to me much traffic, just only under 40 visitor is the maximum.
Do you know which websites can increase much traffic more ?

Sa'karepe dewe said...

Hey hey hey so you're serious to go to Malaysia?if you do please call me by phone so...no i can't meet you coz you will be in east malay and i'm in the west sorry for that. Just send me an sms...no but yes.however i can tell you how to get cheap broadband eh...like me. And don't send me an email coz i won't replay. Yes 480x60 ads and 1x1 on left sidebar need a modification.

I will change your url on my blogroll to here the address,ok?and you don't need to put my url here, don't. Again,can you convert theme on my site to blogger? that's pixeled by samk.ca, very nice simple. Happy blogging and success to you blue light.

Eh...you need some money so i will do it again

Cahaya Biru said...

@Sa'karepe dewe; Hello... How are you doing?? :)....ok... ok... I will call you by phone...

that's fine... I will convert your wptheme... to blogger ... but please wait.. because I have to finish my administration including visa and alike..

JRY said...

salam..(sabahan languange ok)

rumah ko ada di kota kinabalu gak? aku pun orang sabah. sekarang blajar di UMS sabah.. bleh berkenalan..

mau blajar cara convert theme wordpress g blogger..harap bleh batu:)

Cahaya Biru said...

@JRY; Salam kenal. :) Iya.. Sabah will be my new neighborhood... tapi, saya sekarang masih di Indo. Dalam bulan dekat ini, saya pergi ke Sabah...

bole, saya boleh bantu... :)... saling bantu membantu yaa... :).

vuluganck said...

Can you lead me how to put the adsense inside the post ?

vuluganck said...

Help me Biru , please send me the CSS code and java code to add on my blog , you can send by email : zendersto@yahoo.com

kabari bos said...

sory bos baru on line.....ni aku mau tanya masalah dibawah ini....soalnya selalu gagal, gmana ya....?
Feed Form
1)Go to Layout tab, Edit HTML
2)Find (Ctrl+F) this :
3)change YOUR-FEEDBURNER-ID with your own (example : 1111111)

kabari bos said...

tq....tanggaoannya....tapi aku da coba hasilnya setelah masuk di feed burner (publicize) dihalaman webnya:http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/publicize?id=2f78mugc6i70fvcrdm78has6qc.
sedangkan di setting feed situs ada id tapi digitnya kok banyak? http://www.blogger.com/blogoptionsfeed.g?blogID=7079766739767486352&saved=true. aku malah bingung?....apa aku salah ya? trims salam

Cahaya Biru said...

@Kabari mas; eh.. maaf... iya ga bisa. Itu karena ada setting baru dari feedburner. Baru aja, di bulan februari ini. Maaf yaa... aku juga baru tahu kok.

Saya baca info itu dari halaman ini. :).. :)

mohon langsung ke tkp aja...

KABARI BOS said...

sebelumnya itu fungsinya apa sich?.....kalau udah ada solusinya mohon dikari...trims

vuluganck said...

My Google account has been disable , I am so sad and dont know what to do. I dont know why i am blocked.

Stoica Daniel said...

help me to transform a theme, this is the link, turn it for me please http://deluxethemes.com/comfy/ nice, thank you beautiful

Xhiloe said...

Mas Daru salam kenal, saya baru aja belajar nge-blog. Saya liat blog Mas bagus, minta izin nge-add di Links blog saya. xhiloe[dot]blogspot[dot]com =)
Makasih sebelumnya =))

Müzik, mp3 indir said...

hi friend thanks your very nice

Junks said...

Good job bro... regard from Sabah.

denni said...


Mas, Blog sampean apik tenan.
Iki aku arek suroboyo lage belajar gawe blog. nuwun tolong diajari yo...

Manny Btz said...

Muchas gracias amigo por tu gran ayuda.

Many thanks for your great help tu us!!

Alert said...

Didn't use your templates as for now...but really appreciate your work. Way to go...Have time day

Alert said...

Didn't use your templates as for now...but really appreciate your work. Way to go...Have a nice day

Anonymous said...

hello friends. peace for you all and success in everything.

fergie_son said...

Mas Minta Ijin MAsang Glider contentnya, cz mau tak pasang di blog saya!

My Paradise said...

Halo, Mas.. Template buatan Mas keren banget. Saya pake 4 macem. Thanks, may God bless you..

Lucas Rodrigo Gonçalves said...

I`m using your template!
But i wuld like to remove the adsens built in!
how i can remove?

Anonymous said...

Cahaya, are you BlueDragon?

Weird Mom said...

I need help! I tried to set up page links on the content bar in Scarlett but I am not sure what I did wrong. Now the code is starting to look greek to me so I did not want to keep making changes to it. I even tried setting up static pages for 'about me', 'contact' and 'FAQ', but I can't seem to find the loop I need close to create a second page element in the header in .xml. I am using Blogger and I know it is not page friendly, but I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

I have been into programming in like 10 years but I love your page and it is exactly what I have been looking for. I could use a little bit of help here...



salam kenal...om ndaru..temmplatenya bagus-bagus semua je sampe bingung nih mo milih yang mana...oh ya om aku menggunakan template yang zengard trus kucoba untuk mengganti judul Zengardnya kok belum bisa ya...kasih tahu dung caranya....soalnya saya blogger baru om..tengkyu atas pencerahannya...

Cahaya Biru said...

please, masuk ke LAYOUT -- Edit HTML -- cari logo.png.

itulah alamat yang mewakili gambar bertulis zengard. Klo mau ganti gambar, gantilah alamat http://blablablabal....logo.png itu. OK. Paham kan, apa yang saya maksudkan?? OK.

SoloKvcd said...

Que bien te he enviado un correo 2 veces y aun n o tengo una respuesta pero sere paciente ya que espero puedas con el pedido jaja asi como dice Cahaya Buri es un Color Muy hermoso saludos

Translate Spanish to English

How thoughtful you've sent an email 2 times and still not have an answer but I will be patient and hopefully you can with the order jaja and says "Cahaya Buri" color is very beautiful greetings

Cahaya Biru said...

@SoloKvcd; Sorry, so many email arrive in mine. Could you tell me which email did you sent to me?? and what email address??

SoloKvcd said...

Bueno si mi correo es solokvcd@gmail.com y te he enviado el correo al que tienes arriba en el enlace contacto

Translate Spanish to English

Well if my mail is solokvcd@gmail.com and I sent the email to which you link up in contact

Cahaya Biru said...

@SoloKvcd; Ok, I have received it, and I will consider to convert that WP theme by the way....

Thank for being patience. Ok. have a nice blogging.

qinkqonk.com said...

mas ndaru... saya bram, skg lagi di pasuruan. saya suka banget ama template gamezinenya. saya lagi mo benerin buat blog saya yang lama terbengkalai. www.discomate.co.uk..

tapi ngga punya waktu buat belajar lagi ngerubah template blog. kalo saya bisa menggunakan jasa mas ndaru, gimana ya.. buzz me di ym: disc0mate..

thx a lot..

Cahaya Biru said...

@qinkqonk.com; OK, saya akan lihat yaaa. Btw, gamezine, Apanya yang mau dirubah??

obaid said...

hey cahaya i want to know how did you host your site with blogger plz....

Cahaya Biru said...

@Obaid; standard, I use standard procedure....

bloggertemplatescollection4u said...

Met kenal mas daru aka cahaya biru, heri-jakarta izin template2nya taruh di blogku yah... newbie baru belajar bikin n ngoprek template buat taro adsense nih he..he..

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